Monday, July 8, 2013


                The Holiday weekend just past and many people spent portions of the weekend in restaurants,
or at home celebrating with friends and family members.  I now see a definite purpose in the business
community which causes many people to ruin their health just because the majority of people they associate
with are doing the same things.  Since the economy is not flourishing as it once was, businesses have to use
other tactics to encourage more spending inorder to make more money.  We are bombarded by advertisements
from media sources everywhere, which compel us to follow certain customs and habits that can be hazardous
to our health if we are not aware.  Many think that whatever most people are doing, is the right thing to
do.  From a Spiritual perspective, we know that spiritual things are spiritually descerned.

                Dr. Lorraine Day MD., has stated that there are many persons in the Medical establishment
who believe that the Earth is over-populated.  Well, if indeed there are people in the Medical Community
who think like this, Why should we trust the opinion of Medical personnell.  After many years of service
in the Allied Health community where I was closely associated with medical persons, and had day to day
interaction with those in the medical community, I have come to believe that the medical community has its
own best interest at heart, not mine, or yours, or a specific patients.  We as individuals, need to know
how to properly care for our bodies as best we can, to avoid unnecessary expense, and needless visits to
a healthcare facility where we place our best interests in the care of those who do not necessarily share
our best interests. 

                Eating is very vital to life, and it was just shared with us in Church this past Sabbath
that to eat is 3/5's of dEATh.  Eating establishments encourage simultaneous eating and drinking which
leads to Gastrointestinal problems, GERD, etc.  Washing your food down with a beverage is the worst
practice that is done with regards to eating on a daily basis.  Think about diluting your enzymes, and
stomach acids which break down your proteins especially the acids.  The enzymes begin the digestive
process in the mouth, and aid the digestion of all your foods, but when liquids are added, digestion
is impeded, and reflux can occur more readily.  If you know people with digestion problems, inform them
of these simple remedies which can relieve the conditions by changing habits, bad practices that can
lead to death.  Contact information is above.  God Bless.

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Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

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