Friday, July 12, 2013


"Houour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all
thine increase:
so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall
burst out with new
wine."  Prov. 3:9,10.

   "God's claims underlie all other claims. He lays His hand upon all
that He, from His fullness and beneficence, has entrusted to man,
and says: "I am the rightful owner of the universe, and these goods
are Mine. Use them to advance My cause, to build up My kingdom,
and My blessing shall rest upon you."

   Some give of their abundance, yet feel no lack. they do not prac-
tice self-denial for the cause of Christ. They give liberally and heartily,
but they still have all that heart can wish. God regards it. The action
and motive are strictly marked by Him, and they will not lose their
reward. but those who have less means must not excuse themselves
because they cannot do as much as some others. Do what you can.
Deny yourself of some article you can do without, and sacrifice for
the cause of God. Like the poor widow, cast in your two mites. You
will actually give more than all those who give of their abundance;
and you will know how sweet it is to deny self, to give to the needy,
to sacrifice for the truth, and to lay up treasure in heaven.

   The young...who profess the truth, have yet a lesson of self-denial
to learn. If these made more sacrifice for the truth, they would esteem it
more highly. It would affect their hearts, and purify their lives.
Too often the young do not take the burden of the cause of God, or feel
any responsibility in regard to it. Is it because God has excused them?
Oh, no; they excuse themselves. They do not realize that they are not
their own. Their strength, their time, is not their own. they are bought
with a price; and unless they possess the spirit of self-denial and
sacrifice, they can never gain the immortal inheritance.

   Give what you can now, and as you coorperate with Christ, your hand
will open to impart still more. And God will refill your hand, that the
treasure of truth may be taken to many souls. He will give to you
that you may give to others."

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