Monday, July 8, 2013

The Bank that Never Fails----July 8

"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:  for where
your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  Matt. 6:20,21.

   "Here is protrayed the value of eternal riches, in contrast with the treasures
of earth.  If the purpose and aim of your life is to lay up treasure in
heaven, you will be lifted above the base, sordid, demoralizing influence of an
inordinate desire to obtain wealth in this life.  Laying up treasure in heaven
will give nobility to the character; it will strengthen benevolence, encourage
mercy; cultivate sympathy, brotherly kindness, and charity.  It will unite the
soul of man with Christ, by links that can never be broken.  You may lay up for
yourselves treasure in heaven by being rich in good works--rich in imperishable
and spiritual things.

   The instruction is to "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven."
It is for our own interest that we secure heavenly riches.  God is not benefited
by our benevolence.  The cattle upon a thousand hills are His.  "The earth is
the Lord's, and the fullness thereof." Psalms 24:1.  But in using the gifts that
He has entrusted to our care for the salvation of souls, we transfer our wealth
to the treasury of heaven.  When we are seeking the glory of God, and hasting
unto the day of God, we are colaborers with Christ, and our joy is not a base
and fleeting emotion; but it is the joy of our Lord.  We are elevated above the
corroding, perplexing cares of this frail, fickle world.

   While we are in this world, we are subject to losses and disappointments.
Thieves break through and steal; moth and rust corrupt; fire and storm sweep
away our possessions.... How many have devoted life and soul to acquiring wealth,
but were not rich toward God; and when adversity came upon them, and their
possessions were swept away, they had nothing laid up in heaven.  they had lost
all---both temporal and eternal riches....

   Everything that is laid up upon earth may be swept away in a moment; but
nothing can disturb the treasure that is laid up in heaven."

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