Thursday, June 11, 2009

Simple Steps to Lower Your Blood Pressure!

Eat wholesome food by eating more raw, natural foods in a natural, uncooked and unsalted condition. Avoid adding salt to prepared or cooked foods, as salt causes the body to retain fluids. Never drink soda pop or soft drinks which are loaded with sodium or salt. For added flavor, use an amino-acid such as Bragg, which can be found at Natural Health Food Stores. Drink plenty of water daily which the recommended amount is approximately one half of the body weight in ounces per day, and is referenced in the Water section of this blog. Avoid drinking all fluids at meal times. Exercise daily which can be done by brisk walking 10-20 minutes per day. This will aid in causing a reduction in weight while increasing the metabolic rate and assisting all body systems and organs. Stop eating anything that will interfere with optimal health and wellness. See other posts and the Eight steps to optimal health and wellness.

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