Monday, June 15, 2009

How to Suffer!

How to Suffer from one of these three major illnesses, Heart Disease, Cancer, or Diabetes.

It is very simple because we all live in a very toxic, and polluted environment. The most important thing is to ignore Gods Laws and the Eight basic Health Laws discussed in details later in this blog. The next thing to do is to eat as much animal protein, meat and meat by products or dairy as possible. The blood and fat is essential to achieve this goal. You will also want to eat
large quantities of processed refined sugars and starches while at the same time washing your food down, or drinking at the same time you are eating. At the same time, you will want to drink lots of sodas and caffeinated malts and shakes, teaming with sugars and creams. Next, you will want to eat between meals, eat lots of cooked foods rich with calories and fats and free of fibers and grains. Eat all day long and even into the late evening hours, let snacking rule your days. Fast foods must be a part of this program for additional success. Basic to this program is the idea that you will want to burden your digestive system as much as possible to cause as much distress as possible on the body, systems and organs. The desire is to cause as much acidity in the body as possible, thus causing disease to reign freely, and with the assistance of your physicians medication recommendation for man made chemicals, this will ensure the acidity and disease or illness.
Let intelligence reign and do the opposite, for my body is the Temple of God, and His desire for us is found in 3 John 2, His Word.

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