Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Always Temperate

Always Temperate

TEMPERANCE; Abstemiousness, the term abstinence are all words relating to the same thing within the walk of life. Abstemiousness and temperance simply mean doing things in moderation, whatever it may be. Abstinence means leaving those things alone which are harmful or hurtful to our bodies, or someone else. Back to temperance, with regards to eating, drinking or having the sexual relation within the marriage relationship, all things should be done in moderation. We must remember that Christ was the epitomy of temperate and as our example, we are to emulate Him in all that we do and say.

       1Corinthians 9:25 says, "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things."

    On the contrary, we can also live intemperate lives and cause adverse affects upon our bodies and minds from such unhealthful practices as overeating, indulgences of to much exercise, or other activities, which can even endanger our very lives. We heard not long ago of a woman who was competing in a radio station promotional campaign and drank excessive amounts of water without using the restroom and died as a result of water intoxication or just to much fluid in her body. Too much of a good thing can be harmful to our bodies.
     Most of us have experienced the pain from lactic acid build up in a certain muscle group, after excessive exercise repetitions, this can be very painful and the adverse effects can last several days. This may cause a person to relinquish an exercise program altogether. The message here is that we must do all things in moderation so that we will be considered fit vessels for the one who is our Maker and Redeemer, Christ Jesus, who states he will live in us.

“Physical health is maintained by that which we eat; if our appetites are not under the control of a sanctified mind, if we are not temperate in all our eating and drinking, we shall not be in a state of mental and physical soundness to study the word with a purpose to learn what saith the Scripture --what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Any unhealthful habit will produce an unhealthful condition in the system, and the delicate, living machinery of the stomach will be injured, and will not be able to do its work properly. The diet has much to do with the disposition to enter into temptation and commit sin.”  {CD 52.2}

“Educate, Educate, Educate.--We must educate, educate, educate, pleasantly and intelligently. We must preach the truth, pray the truth, and live the truth, bringing it, with its gracious, health-giving influences, within the reach of those who know it not. As the sick are brought into touch with the Life-giver, their faculties of mind and body will be renewed. But in order for this to be, they must practice self-denial, and be temperate in all things. Thus only can they be saved from physical and spiritual death, and restored to health.”  {Ev 528.1} 
“You must hold fast to those whom you are trying to help, else victory will never be yours. They will be continually tempted to evil. Again and again they will be almost overcome by the craving for strong drink; again and again they may fall; but do not, because of this, cease your efforts.”  {MH 173.2} 
    “ They have decided to make an effort to live for Christ; but their will power is weakened, and they must be carefully guarded by those who watch for souls as they that must give an account. They have lost their manhood, and this they must win back. Many have to battle against strong hereditary tendencies to evil. Unnatural cravings, sensual impulses, were their inheritance from birth. These must be carefully guarded against. Within and without, good and evil are striving for the mastery. Those who have never passed through such experiences cannot know the almost overmastering power of appetite or the fierceness of the conflict between habits of self-indulgence and the determination to be temperate in all things. Over and over again the battle must be fought.”  {MH 173.3}

. May we all seek to do all things in moderation according to Gods will. 

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