Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Three Angels Messages of Revelations 14:6-11.

What is happening in our World? What time are we living in? We are going to answer these questions according to the Bible, and prophesy. We are living in a time when the Three Angels Messages are to be proclaimed throughout the earth. The Bible gives us the three Angels messages in Revelations 14:6-11. This is the Final message of warning to a world that is occupied with its own trivial pursuits. In Ecclesiastes 1:2 the wisest man states that ‘all is vanity’. The only important thing is, where will we each spend eternity. This is the most vital issue. The Creator has told us to Remember His Holy Sabbath day to keep it Holy. He hung a beautiful blue canopy over our heads and laid a massive blue canvas before our faces. The ocean, lakes, rivers, and streams are those canvases we humans love to view and appreciate daily, especially on bright sunny days. In Numbers 15:38-41, the Lord had His people place a blue ribbon around the borders of their garments and that was to remind the people forever to remember all the commandments of the Lord, and to do them. The Lord knew the people would forget His Laws and pervert them. In the first Message, it is time for all people everywhere to recognize Our Creator, to Glorify Him and understand that Gods judgments are falling upon this earth everywhere, not as the seven last plagues, but as judgments just the same. God loves us all and He died to save us from sin, not in our sin. The Second Message says the world, the church, Babylon is fallen, and has caused many persons to fall also by her theories and doctrines, even her practices, and habits. To receive the ‘mark of the beast’ is simply to follow the dictates of the beast when they are forced by law. Daniel 7:23 states that a beast is a Kingdom. The smallest Kingdom/nation in this world is the Vatican. They state that they have changed Gods Holy Sabbath day to Sunday, and most people, the world over have followed this pagan practice, and are worshipping on Sunday. This practice is an Anti-Christ practice and teaching. If you read Gods Word from Genesis through Revelations, you cannot find that teaching by Jesus Christ or His disciples. Genesis 2:1-3 states that God ended His work, and rested the seventh day of the week, as well as the fact that He blessed and sanctified the Sabbath day, thus He made it Holy. Deuteronomy 5:3 states, the commandments are for us, “even us, who are all of us here alive this day”. Mark 6:2 states that God had healed and on the Sabbath day, he began to teach in the synagogue. God does not change, see Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8. To receive the ‘Mark of the Beast’ just follow the world and its practices, when the laws are made to compel, forcing men to worship on Sunday. We want to receive Gods Seal by worshipping as asked in the fourth commandment. If we break one of Gods laws, we are guilty of breaking them all. In John 14:15, scripture states, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” I pray we all receive the ‘Seal of God’ by keeping His Sabbath day Holy and obeying His Law.

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