Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Letter to Friends regarding Health Improvements and Gods Plan

I am very sorry to hear about your Brothers wife, and I hope you will forward this message and our sentiments to To and Tas, and know that we will continue to pray for them and Tas rehab. I am retired from rehab as a physical therapist, and after 41 years as a therapist, I have seen a lot of stuff. As a Christian, we were told by a younger Pastor/Minister, that we were not truly Christ followers/Christians if we had not read the complete KJV, 'King James Version' of the Bible, or the complete 'Conflict of the Ages' series, or Spirit of Prophecy, SOP, by EGW. In the Bible we read that Jesus Christ, and God the Father were both present and colaborers in creation. See John 1: 1-4,& 14, Hebrews 1:1-6, and they give us counsel and instruction on how we should eat, also how we will eat in Heaven. In my experience, after 40 plus years, I see clearly that most illnesses and injuries we humans experience, are brought on ourselves, as daredevils or eating wrongly, based on scripture. Our second class in PT school was Pathology, and the professor told us early in the class that Black men/folks are more prone to have High Blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Strokes, heart attacks, etc., than any other sector of the populus. This is generally because of the way we have been taught to eat, & what we eat. As ex-slaves, we got the scraps, worst cuts of meats, left by the massas. Noahs desendants were suppose to return to eating vegetation once it grew again following the flood. In Heaven, there will be no killing, dying, death, meat eating. I have had friends and relatives who have died due to diet. I learned that after an M.I., heart attack, or CVA., stroke, if the victim is unwilling to change their diet, there will most likely be a re-occurance. The Dr., Physician, will not tell you this, but as a rehab therapist, that has seen many of these cases, I can say what my experience has taught me. The subsequent episode is often worse, and can end in death, or total care as results. From personal experience, I was raised as a vegetarian, and wondered about the significance of the meatless/vegan diet. Anything that comes from an animal will contain cholesterol. Our bodies produce enough cholesterol, such that no additional cholesterol is necessary, yet any animal food stuff, eggs, mayo with eggs, butter, cheese, etc will cause a problem. I was driving to visit patients at one time, and began having radiating pain down my Left arm that was so intense that I could not hold on to the steering wheel with my L. I told God immediately that I was going to change the wrong habits that I was committing. I was putting 2% milk on my cereal in the mornings and eating a heaping bowl of Ice cream at night, also I was eating some cheese pizza. I stopped those things immediately, and have not gone back. I found that my cholesterol was very high when I was at a health fair and my cholesterol was checked. It was 337, and should be under 150. I asked God for forgiveness and made the immediate necessary changes. I am presently in very good health. I eat grapefruits which cleans the veins and arteries of cholesterol residuals, and cannot be eaten when you are taking statin drugs. Dr's make lots of money dispensing drugs. May God Bless your efforts to follow Him, and know that we are praying for your health and recovery. jay

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