Wednesday, July 21, 2021

They Have the Favor of God, July 21


Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11.

Whatever comes, let it not enfeeble your moral courage, and cause your religion to degenerate into a heartless form. The loving Jesus is ready to bless abundantly; but we need to obtain an experience in faith, in earnest prayer, and in rejoicing in the love of God. Shall any of us be weighed in the balances, and be found wanting? We must watch ourselves, watch the least unholy promptings of our nature, lest we become traitors to the high responsibilities God has bestowed upon us as His human agencies.—Testimonies for the Church 5:532.

The world’s Redeemer did not design that His purchased inheritance should live and die in their sins. Why, then, are so few reached and saved?—It is because so many of those who profess to be Christians are working in the same lines as the great apostate. Thousands who know not God might today be rejoicing in His love if those who claim to serve Him would work as Christ worked.—Testimonies for the Church 6:273.

Every living Christian will be a disinterested worker for God. The Lord has given us a knowledge of His will, that we may become channels of light to others. If Christ is abiding in us, we cannot help working for Him. It is impossible to retain the favor of God, and enjoy the blessing of a Saviour’s love, and yet be indifferent to the danger of those who are perishing in their sins. “It is My Father’s good pleasure that ye bear much fruit.”—Testimonies for the Church 5:238.

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