Monday, October 12, 2020

My Testimony

During the last week of August 2020, I began experiencing shortness of breath. I had never had such feelings of breathlessness previously. One day as I recall, I had walked out to the mailbox, approximately 150 yards round trip, and it was lightly raining. As I returned and walked inside and up two flights of stairs, 28 steps or so, I found myself out of breath, and struggling to catch my breath. This was very unusual , and I had never experienced this before. I had walked to the next small town several times which is approximately 9 miles round trip, that had taken me three to three and one half hours. I knew I was having a problem, just was hesitant to go to the Doctor with all the concerns about Covid-19. This condition progressed, and I continued to experience SOB with or after minimal exertion. I basicly had detailed the outsides of two automobiles during the Month of September, and general
ly felt pretty good after the exercise, however the condition was not improving. On September 30, I went to see my PCP, to figure out what was going on with my body. I had seen her in January to get a referral. She questioned me, and I told her what I was experiencing, and she felt that I was having some kind of allergic response. I discovered that she was a Nurse Practitioner, and she gave me two prescriptions for allergy medications. I got the medications, took them later that day, and saw no relief from the symptoms. The following day, October first, I determined to go and get Medical attention. I parked the car and walked towards the front door of the Medical building. There was an attendant outside the front door and he could see that I was struggling to breathe. He brought me a wheelchair and I gladly sat down as he rolled me inside. I was brought paperwork to fill out, and began the process. After 45 minutes or so, I had completed the process, and was ready to move on. The Male Physician examined me, and he told me that I was going to be taken to the Hospital via ambulance. I was just glad to finally be getting some attention, to find out what was going wrong with my body. I waited maybe an hour, then the transport arrived. We were strapped to a gurney and tied down in the ambulance for the three to four mile ride to the Hospital. Upon arriving at the Hospital we were one of five ambulances that had all arrived, so we were in for another wait. After waiting another hour or so on the gurney in the hallway, we were finally taken to an exam room. This is where it all starts, I told my nurse attendant that I needed to go to the restroom, and he walked me down the hall to the restroom. I entered and got rid of some water, but felt that I needed to sit down before fell down, so I sat immediately, and loss consciousness. The nurse states he heard me fall, so he rushed in and began to summon the Code Blue team. I later recall becoming semi-conscious when my clothing was being cut from my body. Another time I slightly recall becoming semi-conscious again, and trying to remove the breathing tubes, for which I was medicated quickly to unconsciousness. My wife states that was a funny scene. The Doctor states that if I were not as healthy as I am, they would have lost me, he also stated that if I had been in another location, besides the Hospital, I would be dead. They had to revive we twice and my wife states that she prayed to God, that my life would not end in that manner. They were able to cause the large blood clot in my lungs to disentergrate, and they found no others. My wife states that there were no black people working as part of the team that feverishly worked to save my life. I thank God that I am alive to share this testimony, and I want to be ready to meet my Maker and Redeemer, as He is soon to return to claim us as His own. What about you? This is for all who do His Commandments, God Bless.

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