Thursday, August 27, 2020

U.S.Presi:“Happy Sunday!We Want God!”From Merry Christmas to Merry Sunday Law.Withstand the Shaking!

1 comment:

Natural Wellness Health said...

Christ was a-political and as our only example, we are to follow Him in all things, so although I have not voted in years, I will cease from promoting either political party. We can see clearly that both parties are pushing agendas, and these agendas will lead to the enforcing of a National Sunday Law which then will go Worldwide. This NSL is the end goal, and the papacy is behind the scenes pulling strings to speed these results. Although I have not voted in years, I have expressed opinions and promoted one political party over another, and this has ended as I now see that both political parties are pushing agendas which will end in the same result.
Gods faithful remnant people will follow His example in all things and will be persecuted by the resultant Church State Union. The only Government where Church State Union will be and can be accepted, is in Gods Heavenly Government, where there is no Sin. Church, State Union will inevitably result in forcing people to worship in a manner against their conscience, thus leading to persecution. As we see these things take place, know that Gods Government is soon to come, that Stone cut out of the mount without hands is about to be hurled at the toes and foot of the image spoken of by Daniel the prophet. This represents all the governments of this world which are to be superceded by Gods Everlasting Government. Be Ye also Ready!

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