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Sabbath Worship 2/27/2016

SDAs wandering,not preaching 3Angels.They focus on W.O,LGBT,Black GC President,Nature of Spirit,etc

SDAs wandering,not preaching 3Angels.They focus on W.O,LGBT,Black GC President,Nature of Spirit,etc

Bible Study

Thursday Night Bible Study


Thursday Bible Study

Thursday Bible Study

Gospel of Health

Gospel of Health Talk 12/5/15

Sodom and Egypt Part 2

uly 11th "Sodom and Egypt" part 2

July 04th "Sodom and Egypt" part 1


Pope: World War 3 Has Begun, Since Paris Attacks! Study Daniel 11:30-36 As We Enter Time of Trouble

Sabbath Worship Live

Thursday Evening Bible Study

Media's Scrutiny Of SDAs Creates Prejudice, Forces Them To Be Reactive! Time To Use Right Arm

Sabbath Worship 10/31/15

A Pair Of Balances: What Fellowship Has Adventism With Paganism, Sabbath With Sunday?

Sabbath Worship Pastor Swain


Youth Convocation 2015

Gospel of Health Youth Convocation


Youth Convocation

Who Are Independent Atoms? Who Are Abraham's Seed? Who Are The Remnant Of The Seed?

The Shaking has begun. To Whom shall we go?

The Fear Of Excommunication, Necessitates The Proclamation of Protestantism

The Final Week of the 70 Weeks! Must Bear Fruit Before NSL!!

War on the REMNANT church! Part. 1-5

Sabbath Vespers 8/1/15

Thurs. Bible Study

Sabbath Worship 7/25/15

Worship 7/25/15

Time To Rebuild Jerusalem, Street and Wall! Prepare To Meet Trouble From Without and Within!

Sabbath July 18_part one

Friday Evening Vespers 7/17/15


Click This Link To Watch Video:

Sabbath Services 7/11/15 and Baptism Services.

1290 And 1335: As Antitypical Daily Is Being Removed, Abomination Rises, No Slumbering Allowed

We Must Be About Our Fathers Business!

Sabbath Vespers, Hope for the Family

Examining the 1290 & 1335 Prophecies!

Homosexuality and the Death

Homosexuality and the Death of Sin and the Gospel

Ten Kings Hate Whore Too Late_Part 1

USA To Repeat History of French Revolution: Ten Kings Hate Whore Too Late

USA, AMERICA Clearly Seen in Bible Prophecy!

FAST & PRAY, perilous Times are Here!

10 Kings Hate The Whore Too Late_part 2

6/13/15 Laodicea, increased goods, no needs, yet worshiping with 3 Frogs, blind,& deceived.

Unlawful: 1 Woman with 7 Kings in Revelation 17

Revelation 14

"The message of this chapter constitutes a threefold warning which is to prepare the inhabitants of the earth for the Lord’s second coming. The announcement, “The hour of His judgment is come,” points to the closing work of Christ’s ministration for the salvation of men. It hearlds a truth which must be proclaimed until the Saviour’s intercession shall cease and He shall return to the earth to take His people to Himself. The work of judgment which began in 1844 must continue until the cases of all are decided, both of the living and the dead; hence it will extend to the close of human probation. That men may be prepared to stand in the judgment, the message commands them to “fear God, and give glory to Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” The results of an acceptance of these messages is given in the word: “Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” In order to be prepared for the judgment, it is necessary that men should keep the law of God. That law will be the standard of character in the judgment."

The Lifestyle of the Remnant

The Church in The Wilderness.

Midnight Cry & 1st Angel Sent To Restore, Yet Being Rejected

Prepare to stand before Church & State

Martyrs before Probation Closes

Opening of the 6th Seal

The 144,000.

Go Ye Out to Meet Him.

TEN COMMANDMENTS in the New Testament; I) Matthew 4:10 & Revelations 19:10 II) 1John 5:21 & Acts 17:29 III) 1Timothy 6:1 IV) Mark 2:27,28 & Hebrews 4:4 V) Matthew 19:19 & Ephesians 6:1-3 VI) Romans 13:9 & James 2:11 VII) Romans 13:9 & James 2:11 VIII) Romans 13:9 & Ephesians 4:20 IX) Romans 13:9 X) Romans 7:7

Pastor John Cofer


We are admonished to read and re-read the Last 7 Chapters of The Great Controversy which we are all playing a role as you read. Get the FREE EGW Smart phone app for your convenience and edification, then access the book.

Dr. Lorraine Day

Dr. Lorraine Day M.D.

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Day, has a unique perspective on Health and how best to achieve Ultimate Health so that we may be fit for the health test to come. She shares information that brought her back to health after having breast cancer. She also shows the cancerous tumor at her website and shares many other important facts, visit


The Great Controversy, Spoken of in Revelations 12:7-9, is Soon to Close. Daniel 12:1-4 Speaks of the Very Soon Close of Human Probation and the Conclusion of the Great Controversy. We have been admonished to Read and Re-read the Last Seven Chapters beginning with Ch. 36-42 which can be found on subsequent pages of this Blog, in post Dated in 2011. Warning Administered!
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Are there Multiple ways to Heaven?

Pastor JR Cofer

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Three Angels Messages followed by the Fourth Angel of Rev. 18

As Featured on

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Gospel of Health, Nights 24-27.

Pastor JR Cofer

8 Natural Law is part of the Law of God. 9 Blessing from Obeying natural law.

Deuteronomy 28:58-62

Deuteronomy 28:58-62
58 "If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD;
59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sickness, and of long continuance.
60 Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee.
61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God." ********************************** ********************************** “When God sends to men warnings so important that they are represented as proclaimed by holy angels flying in the midst of heaven, He requires every person endowed with reasoning powers to heed the message. The fearful judgments denounced against the worship of the beast and his image (Revelation 14:9-11), should lead all to a diligent study of the prophecies to learn what the mark of the beast is, and how they are to avoid receiving it. But the masses of the people turn away their ears from hearing the truth and are turned unto fables. The apostle Paul declared, looking down to the last days: "The time will come when they will not Page 595 endure sound doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:3. That time has fully come. The multitudes do not want Bible truth, because it interferes with the desires of the sinful, world-loving heart; and Satan supplies the deceptions which they love.” The Mark of the Beast discussed Below. ***** Gods Word states that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2Tim 3:16,17., also that if our diet requires flesh and blood of another of Gods creatures, that surely the blood of our lives would be also required at the hand of every beast will I require it," saith the Lord. Genesis 9:3-5
This should be very understandable to everyone that can read.
I'm PayPal Verified ATTEND 2015 LATTER RAIN CAMP MEETING - ORLANDO FLORIDA Spirit of Prophecy states that whenever Campmeetings are enjoined, we should be present. Don't miss this up coming Campmeeting. ATTEND 2015 LATTER RAIN CAMP MEETING - ORLANDO FLORIDA ***Many more Health Lectures and videos are at the bottom of each Page, below. Enjoy!***
Knowledge 10/25 9/20 Virtue 9/6 Virtue 8/23 Virtue 8/2 Faith
Jan 31st "Godliness" #2 Feb 14th "Godliness" #3
The Great Decalogue, 10 Commandments, A Foundation of Healthful Living.

Pastor JR Cofer

5 God made man in His own Image, a Divine likeness. 6 Duty to study the laws of Life 7 The Decalogue or Law of God.

Pastor Darrio Taylor

Dec. 20th Jan 3rd Jan 10th Godliness Jan 17th

Sabbath Service

What is Marriage?

Water of Life from the Sanctuary

Book of the Law: Songs of Moses and the Lamb

Combat Ebola & Other Diseases With G. O. D. S. P. L. A. N.

Gods 8 Health Laws!

G. 1)Godly Trust, Trust God-Pray&Read Operators Manual
Daily, Holy Bible. 2Corinthians 1:9, 10
O. 2)Open Air, Take several deep breaths of early AM fresh air. Acts 17: 24&25
D. 3)Daily Exercise, at least 3times a week, 30 minutes. Luke 13:33
S. 4)Sunshine, 30-45 MINS. Per day. Ecclesiastes 11:7
P. 5)Plenty of Rest, 8-10 hrs/day. John 11:12&13
L. 6)Lots of Water, drink 1/2 body weight in ounces daily. Isaiah 55:1
A. 7)Abstemiousness, Temperance, or moderation in all things. 1Corinthians 9:25
N. 8)Proper Nutrition, Eat moderate portions of the 4 FOOD Groups twice a day. Genesis 1:29

These Topics are discussed in Details below;
Send us Your Request; < href=""> Also send specifics of the ailment and let us what your habits are, with regards to the eating, drinking, resting, exercise, getting fresh air, getting sunshine, and developing a healthy relationship with Thy Maker. To understand more, please access the short e-book at; To Better Health and Happiness!

Vegan Cheesecake

Vegan Cheesecake Prep Time : 45 min Cook Time: 45 min Total Time: 1hr 30 min Ingredients • 2 containers plain tofutti vegan cream cheese • 2 ⁄ 3 cup sugar • 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 ⁄ 2 teaspoon salt • 1 ⁄ 4 cup water • 1 tablespoon extra firm tofu drained Graham Cracker Crust • 6 graham crackers • 4tablespoons earth balance spread Graham Cracker Crust Instructions 1. In a ziploc bag crush graham crackers with fist or rolling pin. 2. Put crumbs in a bowl with the Earth Balance spread (or your choice of vegan butter) 3. Mix well /Press along the sides and bottom of the pie pan to form an even crust in the pan Chees ecake Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 350F. 2. Mix cream cheese up in blender/food processor un til softening occurs. 3. Add the sugar, lemon juice, salt, water and tofu. 4. Blend until it seems thoroughly processed. 5. Pour into your graham cracker crust 6. Bake for about 45 minutes until top gets golden -brown skin, but be sure to check often. 7. Cool to room temp and refrigerate. 8. Top with your choice of berries, whipped cream ,etc . Optional fruit topping: • 2 cups chopped fresh fruit of your choice • 1/3 cup sugar • 1/3 cup water • 1 tsp vanilla • 1 tbsp cornstarch 1. Combine chopped strawberries and sugar into a small saucepan. 2. Add 1/3 cup water to cover, stir to blend. Heat mixture over medium high heat until it boils. Stir, then reduce heat to medium . Mix cornstarch with 2 tbsp of water until a thick liquid forms . 3. Pour the liquid into the pan, stirring continuously, and continue to stir until well blended. 4. Cook the strawberry mixture over medium for 3 -4 minutes, stirring frequently, until it becomes thick and syrupy. 5. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla . 6. Spread over cheesecake once cooled and chilled

Vegan Lentil Loaf

Prep Time : 20 min Cook Time: 1 hr 10 min Total Time: 1hr 30 min Ingredients • ½ cup brown lentils • ⅓ cup uncooked quinoa (or other similar cooking grain) • 1 bay leaf • 2¼ cups of water • 2 tsp oil • ¾ cup chopped onion • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped • ½ cup celery finely chopped • ½ cup carrots, thinly sliced or grated • ½ tsp dried thyme • ½ tsp dried oregano • ¼ cup raisins ( for sweetness ) • 2 tbsp flaxmeal or chia seed meal • 1 Tbsp vegan worcestershire sauce ( Mix a tablespoon each of lime juice, molasses, garlic powder, and two pinches of sugar , to desired taste and consistency ) • 2 to 3 Tbsp ketchup ( Mix tomato sauce, salt, onion powder, garlic powder, half a lemon, molasses, sugar and flax seed , desired to taste) • 1 to 2 Tbsp tamari or use coconut aminos to make soyfree • 2 Tbsp tahini • 1 to 2 tbsp nutritional yeast • ¼ tsp coarsely ground fennel seeds • ½ to ¾ cup ground oats Glaze 1/4 cup ketchup (see above recipe) 2 tsp maple 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce (see above for recipe) Instructions 1. Combine lentils, bay leaf and water in a pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Wash the quinoa, add to the pan, partially cover and continue to cook until both are very tender and easily mashed (You want to slightly over cook the lentils). Stir after 10 minutes so they don't stick to the pan. Drain any excess water, and transfer to a bowl. 2. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions and garlic and cook for 5 minutes. or until translucent 3. Add celery, carrots, thyme, oregano, and mix well. Cook for 5 minutes or until the veggies are tender. Add in the raisins, and mix . Cook for 2 minutes. Take off heat. Vegan Lentil Loaf 4. Add the cooked veggies and flaxmeal to the bowl and mix in. Mash the mixture using potato masher or hands, so that at least half the lentils and quinoa get well mashed. (you still want some whole lentils) 5. Add in the sauces, tahini, nutritional yeast, fennel seeds and mix well. Taste and adjust salt and flavor. Add more sauces, herbs and salt if needed. 6. A dd coarsely ground oats and mix in. (To check if the mixture is the right consistency, make a burger patty. If the mixture is too sticky or pasty, add more oats . If it is too crumbly and doesn't stick easily, add some wet ingredients or flax) 7. Prepare the l oaf pan with parchment lined with parchment edges over the pan. Medium bread loaf pan(8.5 by 4.75 inch) 8. Press the mixture into the pan. Pack well and even it out. 9. Make the glaze and spread over the top of the loaf. 10. Cover the loaf with foil and bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Bake uncovered for 5 to 10 minutes. Then let it rest for 15 minutes before slicing. This loaf is excellent served with sweet mashed potatoes and green string beans!

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20 Healthiest Foods on Earth

6/13/15 Sabbath

God never intended for His followers to suffer.

I attended a so called ‘School of the Prophets’ in the late 1970’s, and praise God, I listened and heard a professor say that of all groups in society, Black men are found to have diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, apoplexy, and other diet related health problems, more than any other segment of the population. Intemperance in diet caused all the suffering and woe we humans experience. Christians and worldlings alike, suffer similarly when they follow the same patterns in eating, drinking, and also the same course of treatment after a sickness is diagnosed. There are examples in my own personal family and life, of this very issue. ******* In Gods word, the lesson of how He fed the children of Israel, and also his feeding of Elijah in the wilderness, are two distinct messages for all people living in these last days. Our creator taught by example, and He would know best of all, that the human body, our machinery, would operate at its maximum capacity, on two meals per day. Gods Testimony, noted in Revelations 19:10, also gives instruction for heavy laborers and the vast majority, stating that the two meal plan, per day, is optimum. ******* Diabetes adversely affects all organs and systems of the body. The pancrease has to work any time food is taken. Blood sugar, glucose, must be lowered, insulin is secreted to accomplish this, and this high energy consumption process, lessens the vital force, and can cause the pancrease to fail. Eating between meals, many times per day, is of satan, and will cause needless suffering. Do not drink the wine of Babylon, which comes in many forms. Remnant, have faith in God and Obey His instruction, in all its forms.

20 Healthiest Foods on Earth

Nature’s Penicillin Boosting Your Immune System Before Cold and Flu Season We need to be aware that eating processed refined sugars can put your Immune system in sleep mode for as much as 24 hours at a time. Recipe: 1 Grapefruit (medium) **1 Orange **2 Lemons **3 Cloves of Garlic **1/2 large onion **3 drops of peppermint oil. Cut fruit and onions into pieces. Place in a blender with enough water so mixture turns in blender. Add water, a little at a time, if needed. Mix well. Add peppermint oil last. Adults take 1 cup a day. Children take ½ cup per day. Take a spoonful periodically throughout the day, this amount is not to be taken all at once. Pour remainder into a glass jar, cover and refrigerate. When ready to use, warm in a sauce pan before serving. John 10:10 “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.”

Part 2