Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Meekness, a Fruit of the Spirit, June 25

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5.FH 188.1 Those who have humbly sought God for comfort and peace in the midst of trial have had imparted to them the gentleness of Christ. Those who have learned of Him who is meek and lowly of heart express sympathy and manifest gentleness toward those who are in need of consolation, for they can comfort others with the consolation wherewith they are comforted of God....FH 188.2 Meekness is a fruit of the Spirit and an evidence that we are branches of the living God. The abiding presence of meekness is an unmistakable evidence that we are branches of the True Vine and are bearing much fruit. It is an evidence that we are by faith beholding the King in His beauty and becoming changed into His likeness. Where meekness exists, the natural tendencies are under the control of the Holy Spirit. Meekness is not a species of cowardice. It is the spirit which Christ manifested when suffering injury, when enduring insult and abuse. To be meek is not to surrender our rights, but it is the preservation of self - control under provocation to give way to anger or to the spirit of retaliation. Meekness will not allow passion to take the lines.FH 188.3 When Christ was accused by the priests and Pharisees, He preserved His self - control, but He took His position decidedly that their charges were untrue. He said to them, "Which of you convinceth me of sin?"... He knew that His position was right. When Paul and Silas were beaten and thrust into prison without trial or sentence, they did not surrender their right to be treated as honest citizens....FH 188.4 At all times and in all places Christians should be that which the Lord designs that they should be - free in Christ Jesus. Duty performed in the Spirit of Christ will be done with sanctified prudence. We shall be guided as with a light from heaven when we have a vital connection with God.... Those who have repented of their sins, who have cast their weary, heavy - burdened souls at the feet of Christ, who have submitted to His yoke and become His colaborers, will be partakers with Christ in His sufferings and partakers also of His divine nature....FH 188.5 Jesus is our pattern, and it is from Him that we receive strength and grace to walk in humility and contrition before God. - Signs of the Times, August 22, 1895.

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