Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1

"Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength." Prov. 8:14.WGD 93.1 Jesus came to represent the character of the Father, and He sent His disciples into the world to represent the character of Christ; He has given us His Word to point out the way of life, and He has not left us simply to carry that Word, but has also promised to give it efficiency by the power of the Holy Spirit. Is there need, then, that any should walk in uncertainty, grieving that they do not know and experience the movings of the Holy Spirit upon their hearts? Are you hungering and thirsting for instruction in righteousness? Then you have the sure promise that you shall be filled . . .WGD 93.2 The Lord would have us in possession of the spirit of heavenly wisdom. Are we all being impressed to pray to the Lord humbly and earnestly as our necessities require, importuning Him for the spirit of wisdom? Do we pray, saying, "Show me the secrets which I know not, teach Thou me"? O for humble, earnest prayer to go forth from unfeigned lips praying for the counsel that is of God! - Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 199, 200.WGD 93.3 The disciples came to Jesus and told Him all things. Their intimate relationship with Him encouraged them to lay before Him their favorable and unfavorable experiences, their joy at seeing results from their labors, and their sorrow at their failures, their faults, and their weaknesses. - The Desire of Ages, p. 359.

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