Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Post from Two Years Ago!

As my 60th celebration approaches, please note the writing from a couple years ago and hold all well wishes and Pray for us all instead, thanks jep. We are entering the holiday season, and for the Remnant, the handwriting is on the wall. Two weeks ago, I reached my 58th birthday and have now entered my 59th year of life. I want to say a word of thanks to all the family, friends, associates and collagues who sent birthday well wishes. I mainly have to thank God for His Word, His voice, His loving kindness, protection and guidance in giving me good health. That was not always the case as I have noted in my profile, below. My diet was not always the best. Our health is our wealth and we have a great need for reading Gods Word and taking Him at His word. In a past post, named Biblical Precepts, I point out that Gods word clearly states that whatever the masses, or the majority are doing is absolutely the wrong thing to do, and they are following the world, man, and traditions, which lead to destruction and death. Awareness of this fact is more necessary now than ever before in the history of mankind. Shocking happenings and circumstances are just before us. In the Bible, the twentieth chapter of Jeremiah, verse fourteen states “Cursed be the day wherein I was born: let not the day wherein my mother bare me be blessed”, and verse fifteen says “Cursed be the man who brought tidings to my father, saying A man child is born unto thee; making him very glad”.We need to realize that we are all born in sin and have to struggle every moment until we allow Jesus Christ to rule in every aspect of our lives. This is the only way we can gain the victory over sin, self, and satan. It is also the only way we will ever be privileged to have a Heavenly mansion in the City of God and a ranch home in Gods countryside. We must deny worldliness, ungodliness, and fight the traditions of men, in order to perfect holiness in the fear of God. Brothers and Sisters, let us all strive with all diligence. God bless you all.

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