Wednesday, February 3, 2016

God never intended for His followers to suffer, that is the reason for the instruction given in His word and His testimonies.

I attended a so called ‘School of the Prophets’ in the late 1970’s, and praise God, I listened and heard a professor say that of all groups in society, Black men are found to have diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, apoplexy, and other diet related health problems, more than any other segment of the population. Intemperance in diet caused all the suffering and woe we humans experience. Christians and worldlings alike, suffer similarly when they follow the same patterns in eating, drinking, and also the same course of treatment after a sickness is diagnosed. There are examples in my own personal family and life, of this very issue. ******* In Gods word, the lesson of how He fed the children of Israel, and also his feeding of Elijah in the wilderness, are two distinct messages for all people living in these last days. Our creator taught by example, and He would know best of all, that the human body, our machinery, would operate at its maximum capacity, on two meals per day. Gods Testimony, noted in Revelations 19:10, also gives instruction for heavy laborers and the vast majority, stating that the two meal plan, per day, is optimum. ******* Diabetes adversely affects all organs and systems of the body. The pancrease has to work any time food is taken. Blood sugar, glucose, must be lowered, insulin is secreted to accomplish this, and this high energy consumption process, lessens the vital force, and can cause the pancrease to fail. Eating between meals, many times per day, is of satan, and will cause needless suffering. Do not drink the wine of Babylon, which comes in many forms. Remnant, have faith in God and Obey His instruction, in all its forms.

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Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

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