Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Some Preachers, Teachers, and many people believe that the Old Testament portion of the Bible is no longer valid. Some say we are living in the New Testament times and that Gods Ten Commandment Law was nailed to the Cross. WRONG! The Ceremonial Law of Ordinances and sacrifices was nailed to the Cross, because Christ paid the Ultimate price in giving His own Life and Blood for us guilty sinners. No longer does the sinner need to bring an animal, or blood sacrifice for sin. So, this means that the Ten Commandments of God, the Law of Moses, the Statues, and judgments, found all through the Bible are valid and enforce today. All Ten Commandments can be found in the New Testament in the Following verses. Commandment# TEN COMMANDMENTS in the New Testament; I) Matthew 4:10 & Revelations 19:10 II) 1John 5:21 & Acts 17:29 III) 1Timothy 6:1 IV) Mark 2:27,28 & Hebrews 4:4 V) Matthew 19:19 & Ephesians 6:1-3 VI) Romans 13:9 & James 2:11 VII) Romans 13:9 & James 2:11 VIII) Romans 13:9 & Ephesians 4:20 IX) Romans 13:9 X) Romans 7:7 May God Bless us to realize our need for His entire Word, the Whole Bible truth and the Complete 10 Commandment Law.

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