Monday, October 20, 2014


The world is stirred with the spirit of war. There is murder and blood shed on every hand, in third world countries and wealthier nations alike. There seems to be no respect for human life, Why? Because as noted in the scripture texts above, men, nations, have not respect for, nor obedience towards, the Law of God. I dare say that most people, even so called Christians, Christs followers, have not read the scriptures from beginning to end, nor do they believe all that they read in the scriptures. I did not read the Sacred book completely until I was 47 years of age, and many people don’t even live that many years. I have been a Church member for as long as I can remember, and was educated in Christian schools, for sixteen years. One would think that the schools required the foundational reading of Gods Word. That was and is not the case, even though many Christian and non-christian parents alike, sacrifice , investing many hundreds of dollars sending children to learn of Christ daily. Society in general needs to study and obey Gods Law, but bible prophecy confirms that the majority of people will follow self, sin, and satan to destruction. This is noted in the Seventh Chapter of Matthew, verse 13, and also noted in Revelations 20:7, 8. We are told in the second book of Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16, and 17 that every word of scripture is vital to help us perfect Christlike characters and thus be fitted up for eternity in Heaven. May God help us all to pray more, asking for His understanding as we seek a better knowledge of His will for our lives as individuals and as we pray for the nations and our national leaders.

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