Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Latter Days!

Hi my Children, and Friend,
I love you all,
have you seen all the calamity worldwide lately, Wild fires in siberian Russia, flooding in China and Pakistan, heat and flood in our Country and elsewhere. We are told that these things are to become more frequent and destructive as time progresses, and His return approaches. I encourage you all to be watchful, lest when the bridegroom come, there is no oil in your lamps and you need to go search for it.

Mark 14:36 S-Abba-th abba= Father.

Romans 8:15 S-Abba-th abba= Father.

Galations 4:6 S-Abba-th abba= Father.

As we are living in these last days of earths history, Is the seventh-day Sabbath worship, important in the minds of most men? NO
Is the SABBATH, or 7th Day of the week, significant to God the Father? Much less God the Son, who is the Image of the Father. No doubt, The Fathers Name is in the day He set aside, Blessed it, Sanctified it, and Seeks to Sanctify us through our obedience to His covenant promise. Genesis 2:2,3 May these words strengthen you to seek your reward for obedience. God Bless you all.

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