Monday, May 25, 2009

Natural Health!

All those who are interested in improving their health will want to eat fruits and vegetables in greater amounts. You will also want to separate your fruits and vegetables and eat them at different meals for optimal effectiveness. Your fruits and vegetables have much more effectual nutritional values when they are eaten raw, especially for those people over the age of 40. The fruits should be eaten before all the other foods and are much more effective for delivering health of body and mind when eaten on an empty stomach. Fermentation can occur when the fruits are eaten last or during the process of eating other food varieties. When the fruits are eaten before other foods the body is aided in the detoxification process thus yielding a greater benefit for the digestive and biological processes. As was stated earlier, the vegetables should be eaten at a separate meal due to the fact that other enzymes are needed to assist in breaking them down, and they differ from those necessary for digestion of the fruits. The raw foods are needed for people over 40 years of age, because some of the digestive enzymes necessary begin to decline in production as we age. They happen to be in the raw fruits and vegetables and once eaten, they turn on the foods and assist in the digestive process. This saves other organ systems that may try to fill the gap, or supply enzymatic juices. We can work to extend our own lives, as Jesus provided meals and recommended eating only two meals per day and resting the digestive organs, saving them from slaving and burning themselves out trying to digest three meals and in-between snacks. We should eat for strength and not for drunkenness as the Bible suggests.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Health is Paramount!

Most people are concerned about their health, some are more interested in health than others, but generally all people want to know how to be more healthy.
Very close to the beginning of the Bible are the instruction for the diet of a healthy human being. Herbs bearing seeds, and trees that have fruit giving seeds, these are to be the food of those healthy individuals, who will be suffering less of the diseases most common to man, especially as the Earth now groans with its resources depleted more than ever before in history. See Genesis 1:29.
Health experts say that the more closely our diet and appetites ally themselves to these precepts, the more we will enjoy health and physical vitality. On the other hand, if we are careless regarding the food stuffs we partake of, we may suffer dire consequences, illness and even death in some instances. I had a classmate who I had attended school with some years ago and he is no longer living due to the very thing we are talking about. I had an opportunity the talk with him prior to his demise, and although he was ill and receiving treatment for a very aggressive type of brain cancer, he wanted to live and return to health, but it very was late in his case.
He told me that he was divorced and did not cook, nor did he eat any vegetables or fruit, nuts or grains. He stated that he ate hamburgers and french fries, fried chicken and popcorn for snacks, and this would change ever so slightly from day to day. He worked in the inner city and would visit small fast food restaurants for his meals. My hope is that some of you are seeing and will see, that we can poison ourselves if we do not eat as God has designed us and instructed us to eat in His Image, after His likeness. This is very simple, but we can complicate anything by doing what we want. Our want usually get us in trouble, sick, diseased, or dead. Gods Word, The Bible also states this; in the book of 3John 2, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Gods desire is that we be in health and prosper, because He loves us and wants the best for us, besides, what good is it if we prosper and be in ill health or dead? Thoughts from a health professional.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sickness or Disease?

Eight Simple Steps To Wellness and Health!

Trust In GOD.

Further explanations of each are available on pages 6&7 of the Blog.

Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1. In order to accomplish his work unperceived, Satan chose to ...