Saturday, August 31, 2019

(Leaven of sin must be put Away Daily!) US v China 5 G Tower of Babel

End Time Signs Under the Preaching of the 3 Angels Message! 8/31/2019

Righteousness Fulfilled in Him, August 31

WGD 245. Christ Our Righteousness. And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Matthew 3:15. "Jesus did not receive baptism as a confession of guilt on His own account. He identified Himself with sinners, taking the steps that we are to take, and doing the work that we must do. His life of suffering and patient endurance after His baptism was also an example to us.Upon coming up out of the water, Jesus bowed in prayer on the river bank. A new and important era was opening before Him. He was now, upon a wider stage, entering on the conflict of His life. Though He was the Prince of Peace, His coming must be as the unsheathing of a sword.... No one upon earth had understood Him, and during His ministry He must still walk alone. Throughout His life His mother and His brothers did not comprehend His mission. Even His disciples did not understand Him. He had dwelt in eternal light, as one with God, but His life on earth must be spent in solitude.... Alone He must tread the path; alone He must bear the burden. Upon Him who had laid off His glory, and accepted the weakness of humanity, the redemption of the world must rest. He saw and felt it all, but His purpose remained steadfast. Upon His arm depended the salvation of the fallen race, and He reached out His hand to grasp the hand of Omnipotent Love. - The Desire of Ages, 111.Jesus might have remained at the Father's side. He might have retained the glory of heaven, and the homage of the angels. But He chose to give back the scepter into the Father's hands, and to step down from the throne of the universe, that He might bring light to the benighted, and life to the perishing." - The Desire of Ages, 23 WGD 245 - WGD 245.4

A Job Well Done, August 31

FH 255. I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. John 17:4. When Christ expired on the cross, crying with a loud voice, "It is finished," His work was completed. The way was laid open, the veil was rent in twain. Humanity could approach God without sacrificial offerings, without the service of earthly priests. Christ Himself was a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Heaven was His home. He came to this world to reveal the Father. His work on the field of His humiliation and conflict was now done. He ascended up into the heavens and is forever set down on the right hand of God.Christ's life on this earth had been a life of toil, a busy, earnest life. He rose from the dead and for forty days remained with His disciples, instructing them preparatory to His departure from them. He was ready for the leave - taking. He had demonstrated the fact that He was a living Savior; His disciples need no longer associate Him with the tomb of Joseph. They could think of Him as glorified amid the heavenly host....All heaven waited with eager earnestness for the end of the tarrying of the Son of God in a world all seared and marred with the curse. In proportion to Christ's humiliation and suffering was to be His exaltation. He became the Savior, the Redeemer, only by first becoming the Sacrifice....Christ came to earth as God in the guise of humanity. He ascended to heaven as the King of saints. His ascension was worthy of His exalted character. He ascended from the Mount of Olives in a cloud of angels, who triumphantly escorted Him to the city of God. Not in His own interest did He go, but as the covenant - making Redeemer of His believing sons and daughters, who are made thus through faith in His name. He went as one mighty in battle, a conqueror, leading captivity captive, amid acclamations of praise and celestial song....What a contrast between Christ's reception on His return to heaven and His reception on this earth! In heaven all was loyalty. There was no sorrow, no suffering, to meet Him at every turn....The time had come for the universe of heaven to accept their King. - Signs of the Times, August 16, 1899. FH 255 - FH 255.7

Friday, August 30, 2019


Sunday will be Enforced shortly, but It is not Gods Holy Sabbath Day!

Old Sunday Laws are still on the Books in most states, and are soon to be enforced. When they Are enforced in these United States, that will be the Mark of the Beast. God does not force, so The entity that forces its will upon society is not a Godly entity, it is Satan, and enforced by mans devising. God allows free will choice, God asks for obedience. A Mark in the Bible is an identifier, or an indicator, see Ezekiel 9:4 KJV A Beast in Bible Prophecy is a Kingdom, or nation, see Daniel 7:23 KJV. Most people say they intend to go to Heaven, but in reading the Bible, we can Learn in Gods Word, and there are many lessons we should learn to assist us in getting into Heaven. God says He requires what has already happened previously as history will be repeated, see Ecclesiastes 3:15. In Noahs history, eight persons were spared out of the entire world, at that Time. In Lots history, four persons escaped, but only three survived the destruction of those Cities of the plains. At the End of the world, the Bible states that Satans army is numbered as The sands of the sea, see Revelations 20:7,8. In these histories, the Bible shows that only a Few people will be on the side of right. We want to make sure that we are worshipping as God requires and as He asks for obedience.

(Midday Power Serge) Hurricane Dorian in time for Greta,Climate Strike.Practical Preparation for Literal,Spiritual Storms

He Became Our High Priest, August 30

WGD 244. Christ Our Righteousness. "Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people." Hebrews 2:17. "As a consecrated high priest He intercedes for His people. As a faithful shepherd He gathers His flock under the shadow of the Almighty, in the strong and sure refuge. For Him there waits the last battle with Satan, and He goes forth to meet it. - The Desire of Ages, 680.So Christ, the great high priest, pleading His blood before the Father in the sinner's behalf, bears upon His heart the name of every repentant, believing soul. - Patriarchs and Prophets, 351.Like Aaron, who symbolized Christ, our Saviour bears the names of all His people on His heart in the holy place. Our great High Priest remembers all the words by which He has encouraged us to trust. He is ever mindful of His covenant. - Christ's Object Lessons, 148.The work of Christ as man's intercessor is presented in that beautiful prophecy of Zechariah concerning Him "whose name is The Branch." Says the prophet: "He shall build the temple of the Lord; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His the Father's throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne." ... As a priest, Christ is now set down with the Father in His throne. Upon the throne with the eternal, self - existent One, is He who "hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows." ... His intercession is that of a pierced and broken body, of a spotless life. The wounded hands, the pierced side, the marred feet, plead for fallen man, whose redemption was purchased at such infinite cost." - The Great Controversy, 415, 416. WGD 244 - WGD 244.5

Calvary, August 30

FH 254. At last two false witnesses came forward and said, "This fellow said, 'I am able to destroy the temple of God and to build it in three days.'" Matthew 26:60, 61. This was the only charge that could be brought against Christ. But these words had been misstated and misapplied. Christ had said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.... But he spake of the temple of his body."Priests and rulers, with many others, taunted Him with this false statement. While He hung upon the cross, it was repeated in mockery by the scribes and Pharisees and echoed by the multitude. "They that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself." But though misstated, Christ's words were being fulfilled. Publicity was given to them, and they were made more impressive by the proclamations of His enemies....Those who in derision uttered the words, "He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God," little thought that their testimony would sound down the ages. But although spoken in mockery, never were words more true. They led people to search the Scriptures for themselves. Wise men heard, searched, pondered, and prayed. There were those who never rested until, by searching the Scriptures and comparing passage with passage, they saw the meaning of Christ's mission. They saw that free forgiveness was provided by Him whose tender mercy embraces the whole world....Never before was there such a general knowledge of Jesus as when He hung upon the cross. He was lifted up from the earth to draw all unto Him. Into the hearts of many who beheld the crucifixion scene and who heard Christ's words was the light of truth to shine. With John they would proclaim, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."...This scene was transacted in the sight of heaven and earth. Angels beheld the pitiless scorn and contempt shown to Jesus by those who should have acknowledged Him as the Messiah....Again came the cry, as of one in mortal agony, "It is finished." "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Christ, the Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, was dead. - The Review and Herald, December 28, 1897. FH 254 - FH 254.7

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Power Serge 8/28/2019

Church Blamed for U.S. Moral Fall,Gen Z least Spiritual.Greta crosses Land & Sea.Where are SDA Youth

His Righteousness Marks His Superiority, August 29

WGD 243. Christ Our Righteousness. "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." Hebrews 1:9. "We are God's servants, and to each of us He has given talents, both natural and spiritual. As children of God, we should be constantly gaining in fitness for the heavenly mansions which Christ told His disciples He was going away to prepare for them. He who lays hold upon the righteousness of Christ may become a perfect man in Christ Jesus. Working from a high standpoint, seeking to follow the example of Christ, we shall grow up into His likeness, possessing more and more refinement. - Testimonies to Ministers, 150.The Christian in his business life is to represent to the world the manner in which our Lord would conduct business enterprises. In every transaction he is to make it manifest that God is his teacher. "Holiness unto the Lord," is to be written upon day books and ledgers, on deeds, receipts, and bills of exchange. Those who profess to be followers of Christ, and who deal in an unrighteous manner, are bearing false witness against the character of a holy, just, and merciful God. - The Desire of Ages, 556.Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided, can make us meet to appear in God's presence. This covering, the robe of His own righteousness, Christ will put upon every repenting, believing soul. - Christ's Object Lessons, 311.If we will but keep our eyes fixed on the Saviour, and trust in His power, we shall be filled with a sense of security; for the righteousness of Christ will become our righteousness." - Messages to Young People, 107. WGD 243 - WGD 243.5

Gethsemane, August 29

FH 253. Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here while I pray." Mark 14:32. "As Christ left the disciples, bidding them pray for themselves and for Him, He selected three, Peter, James, and John, and went still farther into the seclusion of the garden. These three disciples had been with Him at His transfiguration; they had seen the heavenly visitors, Moses and Elias, talking with Jesus, and Christ desired their presence on this occasion also....Christ expressed His desire for human sympathy and then withdrew Himself from them about a stone's cast. Falling upon His face He prayed, saying, "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."At the end of an hour, Jesus, feeling the need of human sympathy, rose from the ground and staggered to the place where He had left His three disciples.... He longed to hear from them words that would bring Him some relief in His suffering. But He was disappointed. They did not bring to Him the help He craved. Instead, He "findeth them sleeping."Just before He bent His footsteps to the garden, Jesus had said to His disciples, "All ye shall be offended because of me this night"; and they had given Christ the strongest assurances that they would never forsake their Lord, that they would go to prison with Him, and if need be would suffer and die with Him. And poor, self - sufficient Peter had added, "Although all shall be offended, yet will not I." But the disciples trusted in their own strength; they did not look to the mighty Helper, as Christ had counseled them to do.... Even the ardent Peter, who only a few hours before had declared that he would die with his Lord, was sleeping....Again the Son of God was seized with superhuman agony, and, fainting and exhausted, He staggered back to the place of His former struggle.... Only a short time before, Christ had poured out His soul in songs of praise in unfaltering accents, as one who was conscious of His Sonship to God.... Now His voice came to them on the still evening air, not in tones of triumph but full of human anguish. So lately He had been serene in His majesty; He had been like a mighty cedar. Now He was as a broken reed....Although sin was the awful thing that had opened the floodgates of woe upon the world, He would become the propitiation of a race that had willed to sin." - Signs of the Times, December 2, 1897. FH 253 - FH 253.7

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Coworkers With Christ, August 28

FH 252. Greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12. Christ's work was largely confined to Judea. But though His personal ministry did not extend to other lands, people from all nations listened to His teaching and carried the message to all parts of the world. Many heard of Jesus by hearing of the wonderful miracles that He performed. And the knowledge of His suffering and death, which were to be witnessed by the large number in attendance at the Passover, would be spread from Jerusalem to all parts of the world.Used as Christ's representatives, the apostles would make a decided impression on all minds. The fact that they were humble men would not diminish their influence but increase it. The minds of their hearers would be carried from them to the Majesty of heaven.... Their words of trust would assure all that it was not by their own power they worked, but that they were only continuing the same work carried forward by the Lord Jesus when He was with them. Humbling themselves, they would declare that He whom the Jews had crucified was the Prince of life, the Son of the living God, and that in His name they did the works that He had done....The whole universe is under the control of the Prince of life.... He paid the ransom money for the whole world. All may be saved through Him. He calls upon us to obey, believe, receive, and live. He would gather together a church embracing the whole human family, if all would leave the black banner of rebellion and place themselves under His banner. Those who believe on Him, He will present to God as loyal subjects. He is our Mediator as well as our Redeemer. He will defend His chosen followers against Satan's power and subdue all their enemies....Christ desired His disciples to understand that He would not leave them orphans.... He was about to die, but He desired them to realize that He would live again. And although after His ascension He would be absent from them, yet by faith they might see and know Him, and He would have the same loving interest in them that He had while with them.Christ assured His disciples that after His resurrection He would show Himself alive to them.... They would then understand that which they had not in the past understood - that there is a complete union between Christ and His Father, a union that will always exist. - The Review and Herald, October 26, 1897. FH 252 - FH 252.6

Franklin Graham:LGBT Mandatory,Pull Kids from Schools.CommonCore.Ellen White:Public Schools not Safe. Mid-day Power serge.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Scepter of His Kingdom, August 27

WGD 241. Christ Our Righteousness "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." Hebrews 1:8. Our hope is to be constantly strengthened by the knowledge that Christ is our righteousness. Let our faith rest upon this foundation; for it will stand fast forever. Instead of dwelling upon the darkness of Satan, and fearing his power, we should open our hearts to receive light from Christ, and to let it shine forth to the world, declaring that He is above all the power of Satan; that His sustaining arm will support all who trust in Him. - Testimonies for the Church 5:742.All power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness to the helpless human agent. This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure. - Testimonies to Ministers, 92.The development of all our powers is the first duty we owe to God and to our fellow - men. No one who is not growing daily in capability and usefulness is fulfilling the purpose of life. In making a profession of faith in Christ we pledge ourselves to become all that it is possible for us to be as workers for the Master, and we should cultivate every faculty to the highest degree of perfection, that we may do the greatest amount of good of which we are capable. - Christ's Object Lessons, 329.Those who are seeking the righteousness of Christ will be dwelling upon the themes of the great salvation. - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 341. WGD 241 - WGD 241.5

The Joy of Christ's Fellowship in Heaven, August 27

FH 251. There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8. "While sitting round the Communion table, Christ spoke words of intense interest to His disciples. He was soon to pass through scenes that would be to them the severest test. Not only did He see distinctly His own humiliation and suffering, but He saw also the effect that this would have upon the disciples. He would not leave them in darkness regarding His future work.... He knew that in their sorrow they would be assailed by the enemy, for Satan's craft is most successful when carried on against those who are depressed by difficulties....During these last sorrowful hours, Christ told His disciples that on the night of His trial, they would all be offended because of Him, and that He would be left alone. He told them that for a little while after His death they would be sorrowful, but that their sorrow would be turned into joy. He told them that the time was coming when they would be put out of the synagogues, and that those who killed them would think that they were doing God service. He stated plainly why He told them these things while He was yet with them - that when His words were fulfilled, they would remember that He had told them of them before they came to pass, and thus be strengthened to believe in Him as their Redeemer....Christ's statements saddened and amazed the disciples. But they were followed by the comforting assurance, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."...Not only to the disciples, but to us, are these words of comfort spoken. In the last scenes of this earth's history, war will rage. There will be pestilence, plague, and famine. The waters of the deep will overflow their boundaries. Property and life will be destroyed by fire and flood. We should be preparing for the mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for them that love Him. There is a rest from earth's conflict. Where is it? "That where I am, there ye may be also." Heaven is where Christ is. Heaven would not be heaven to those who love Christ if He were not there." - The Review and Herald, October 19, 1897. FH 251.5 FH 251 - FH 251.5

Monday, August 26, 2019

Receive to Give, August 26

August 26 Receive to Give, August 26FH 250I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7.The work of building up the kingdom of Christ will go forward, though to all appearances it moves slowly, and means are so limited that impossibilities seem to testify against advance....The disciples were bidden to feed the hungry multitude before eating themselves. After the wants of all had been supplied, the command was given, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." Twelve baskets full were gathered up, and then Christ and His disciples ate of the precious, heaven - supplied food....In the place of shifting your responsibility upon someone whom you think more richly endowed than you are, work according to your ability, even though you have but one talent....Christ received from the Father; He imparted to the disciples; and they imparted to the multitude. All who are united to Christ will be doers of His word, receiving the bread of life... and imparting it to others....Our Savior placed in the hands of His disciples the food for the people, and as they emptied their hands, they were again filled with the food, which multiplied in Christ's hands as fast as it was called for.... This should be a great encouragement to the disciples of Christ today. Christ is the great center, the source of all strength....A Paul may plant, and an Apollos water, but God only giveth the increase. This is so that no one may boast. The most intelligent, the most spiritually - minded, can bestow only as they receive. Of themselves they can manufacture nothing for the needs of the soul. We can impart only that which we receive from the hands of Christ, and we can receive only as we impart to others. As we continue imparting, we continue to receive, and the more we impart, the more we shall receive. Thus we may be constantly believing, trusting, receiving, and imparting....In the hand of Christ the small supply of food remained undiminished until the famished multitude were satisfied.... If we go to the Source of all strength with our hands of faith outstretched to receive, we shall be sustained in our work, even under the most forbidding circumstances, and shall be enabled to give to others the Bread of Life. - Signs of the Times, August 19, 1897. FH 250 - FH 250.8

August 26

Receive to Give, August 26FH 250I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7.The work of building up the kingdom of Christ will go forward, though to all appearances it moves slowly, and means are so limited that impossibilities seem to testify against advance....The disciples were bidden to feed the hungry multitude before eating themselves. After the wants of all had been supplied, the command was given, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." Twelve baskets full were gathered up, and then Christ and His disciples ate of the precious, heaven - supplied food....In the place of shifting your responsibility upon someone whom you think more richly endowed than you are, work according to your ability, even though you have but one talent....Christ received from the Father; He imparted to the disciples; and they imparted to the multitude. All who are united to Christ will be doers of His word, receiving the bread of life... and imparting it to others....Our Savior placed in the hands of His disciples the food for the people, and as they emptied their hands, they were again filled with the food, which multiplied in Christ's hands as fast as it was called for.... This should be a great encouragement to the disciples of Christ today. Christ is the great center, the source of all strength....A Paul may plant, and an Apollos water, but God only giveth the increase. This is so that no one may boast. The most intelligent, the most spiritually - minded, can bestow only as they receive. Of themselves they can manufacture nothing for the needs of the soul. We can impart only that which we receive from the hands of Christ, and we can receive only as we impart to others. As we continue imparting, we continue to receive, and the more we impart, the more we shall receive. Thus we may be constantly believing, trusting, receiving, and imparting....In the hand of Christ the small supply of food remained undiminished until the famished multitude were satisfied.... If we go to the Source of all strength with our hands of faith outstretched to receive, we shall be sustained in our work, even under the most forbidding circumstances, and shall be enabled to give to others the Bread of Life. - Signs of the Times, August 19, 1897. FH 250 - FH 250.8

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ye Who Were Far Off Are Made Nigh, August 25. WGD 239 The Cleansing Blood. "But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." Ephesians 2:13. "You have been chosen by Christ. You have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb. Plead before God the efficacy of that blood. Say unto Him: "I am Thine by creation;I am Thine by redemption. I respect human authority, and the advice of my brethren; but I cannot depend wholly upon these. I want Thee, O God, to teach me. I have covenanted with Thee to adopt the divine standard of character, and make Thee my counselor and guide, - a party to every plan of my life; therefore teach me." Let the glory of the Lord be your first consideration. Repress every desire for worldly distinction, every ambition to secure the first place. Encourage heart purity and holiness, that you may represent the true principles of the gospel. Let every act of your life be sanctified by a holy endeavor to do the Lord's will, that your influence may not lead others into forbidden paths. - Fundamentals of Christian Education, 348.The efficacy of the blood of Christ was to be presented to the people with freshness and power, that their faith might lay hold upon its merits. As the high priest sprinkled the warm blood upon the mercy seat, while the fragrant cloud of incense ascended before God, so while we confess our sins, and plead the efficacy of Christ's atoning blood, our prayers are to ascend to heaven, fragrant with the merits of our Saviour's character. Notwithstanding our unworthiness, we are ever to bear in mind that there is One that can take away sin, and save the sinner. Every sin acknowledged before God with a contrite heart, He will remove. This faith is the life of the church." - Testimonies to Ministers, 92. WGD 239 - WGD 239.4

Feeding the 5,000, August 25

FH 249. You give them something to eat. Matthew 14:16. "The disciples thought they had withdrawn where they would not be discovered, but as soon as the multitude missed the divine Teacher, they inquired, "Where is he?" Some among them had noticed the direction in which Christ and His disciples had gone, and soon an immense crowd was looking for Christ. Fresh additions were made to this number until the congregation was composed of no less than five thousand men, besides women and children.From the hillside Jesus looked upon the moving multitude, and His great heart of love and compassion was stirred with sympathy. Interrupted as He was and robbed of His rest, He was not impatient.... Leaving His mountain retreat, He found a convenient place where He could minister to their spiritual destitution....The people listened to the words of mercy flowing so freely from the lips of the Son of God. They heard the gracious words, so simple and so plain that they were as the balm of Gilead to their souls. The healing of His divine hand brought gladness and life to the dying and ease and health to those suffering with disease. The day seemed to them like heaven upon earth, and they were utterly unconscious of how long it was since they had eaten anything."And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat." Surprised and astonished, they say unto Him, "Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.... And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. And they did all eat, and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes."He who taught the people the way to secure peace and happiness was just as thoughtful of their temporal necessities as of their spiritual need." - Signs of the Times, August 12, 1897. FH 249 - FH 249.6

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sabbath Evening Message 8/24/2019

Old Sunday Law, soon Forced in USA, Money Crisis, Jesus's Return!

Sabbath Service (Demonstration of The Holy Spirit) 8/24/2019

These Have Washed Their Robes, August 24

WGD 238. The Cleansing Blood. "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Revelation 7:14. "Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea of glass as it were mingled with fire, - so resplendent is it with the glory of God, - are gathered the company that have "gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name." With the Lamb upon Mount Zion, "having the harps of God," they stand, the hundred and forty and four thousand that were redeemed from among men; and there is heard, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great thunder, "the voice of harpers harping with their harps." ... "These are they which came out of great tribulation;" they have passed through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation; they have endured the anguish of the time of Jacob's trouble; they have stood without an intercessor through the final outpouring of God's judgments. But they have been delivered, for they have "washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." - The Great Controversy, 648.The most exalted of the redeemed host that stand before the throne of God and the Lamb, clad in white, know the conflict of overcoming, for they have come up through great tribulation. Those who have yielded to circumstances rather than engage in this conflict, will not know how to stand in that day when anguish will be upon every soul, when, though Noah, Job, and Daniel, were in the land, they could save neither son nor daughter, for every one must deliver his soul by his own righteousness." - Testimonies for the Church 5:215. WGD 238 - WGD 238.3

August 24th

Quenching the Soul's Thirst, August 24FH 248Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw. John 4:15.The woman was so astonished at His words that she rested her pitcher on the well, and, forgetting the thirst of the stranger and His request to give Him to drink, forgetting her errand to the well, she was lost in her earnest desire to hear every word....Jesus now abruptly changed the subject of conversation and bade the woman call her husband. She frankly replied, "I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: for thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly."As the past of her life was spread out before her, the listener trembled. Conviction of sin was awakened. She said, "Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet." And then, in order to change the conversation to some other subject, she endeavored to lead Christ into a controversy upon their religious differences....The conviction of the Spirit of God had come to the heart of the Samaritan woman.... No teaching that she had hitherto heard had aroused her moral nature and awakened her to a sense of her higher need.Christ reads beneath the surface, and He revealed to the woman of Samaria her soul thirst, which the water from the well of Sychar could never satisfy....The natural thirst of the woman of Samaria had led her to a thirst of soul for the water of life....Forgetting the errand that had brought her to the well, the woman left her water pot and went into the city, saying to all whom she met, "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?"...Earth's cisterns will often be emptied, its pools become dry; but in Christ there is a living spring from which we may continually draw.... There is no danger of exhausting the supply; for Christ is the inexhaustible well - spring of truth. He has been the fountain of living water ever since the fall of Adam. He says, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." And "whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." - Signs of the Times, April 22, 1897. FH 248 - FH 248.9

Friday, August 23, 2019

10 Fold Blessings Given by the Holy Ghost. (Gospel of Health)

Midday Power Surge August 23

Amazon Fires just in time for September Global Climate Strike & October Vatican Synod on the Amazon

August 23

Christ Washed Us in His Own Blood, August 23WGD 237The Cleansing BloodUnto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. Revelation 1:5.Satan may whisper, "You are too great a sinner for Christ to save." While you acknowledge that you are indeed sinful and unworthy, you may meet the tempter with the cry, "By virtue of the atonement, I claim Christ as my Saviour. I trust not to my own merits, but to the precious blood of Jesus, which cleanses me. This moment I hang my helpless soul on Christ." - Messages to Young People, 112.Man was under the condemnation of the broken law. He could not save himself, and for this reason Christ came to this world, clothed His divinity with humanity, and gave His life, the just for the unjust. He gave Himself for our sins, and to every soul He freely offers the blood - bought pardon. - Christ's Object Lessons, 244.The angels look with awe and amazement upon the mission of Christ to the world. They marvel at the love that moved Him to give Himself a sacrifice for the sins of men. But how lightly human beings regard the purchase of His blood! - Gospel Workers, 497.As this wonderful, priceless Gift was bestowed, the whole heavenly universe was mightily stirred, in an effort to understand God's unfathomable love.... Shall we ... halt between two opinions? Shall we return to God only a mite of the capabilities and powers lent us by Him? How can we do this while we know that He who was Commander of all heaven laid aside His royal robe and kingly crown, and, realizing the helplessness of the fallen race, came to this earth in human nature to make it possible for us to unite our humanity to His divinity? - Testimonies for the Church 7:29. WGD 237 - WGD 237.5

The Water of Life, August 23

FH 247. A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink." John 4:7. As the world's Redeemer, the Son of God took upon Him our human nature.... Hungry and thirsty, He tarried to rest at Jacob's well, near the city of Sychar, while His disciples went to buy food in the city....As Jesus sat by the well side, the cool, refreshing water, so near and yet so inaccessible to Him, only increased His thirst. He had neither rope nor bucket with which to draw, and He waited until someone should come to the well. He might have performed a miracle and thus have obtained a draft from the well, had He wished, but this was not God's plan...."There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink." The woman answered, "How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." Christ was near to the woman of Samaria, and she knew Him not. She was thirsting for the truth, yet knew not that He, the Truth, was beside her and was able to enlighten her. And today there are thirsting souls sitting close by the living fountain. But they are looking far away from the well that contains the refreshing water, and, though told that the water is close by, they will not believe.Jesus answered the woman, saying, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?" Yes, Jesus could have answered, the One who is speaking to you is the only begotten Son of God; I am greater than your father Jacob, for before Abraham was, I am. But He made answer, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."...Christ was just as truly the water of life to Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, and all who received His instruction then as He is at the present time to those who ask of Him the refreshing draft. - Signs of the Times, April 22, 1897. FH 247 - FH 247.6

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Through Faith Our Sins Are Washed Away, August 22

WGD 236. The Cleansing Blood Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. Romans 3:25.The blood of the spotless Lamb of God the believers apply to their own hearts. Looking upon the great Antitype, we can say, "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." ... "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." - Testimonies to Ministers, 95.The Son of God came voluntarily to accomplish the work of atonement. There was no obligatory yoke upon Him; for He was independent and above all law. The angels, as God's intelligent messengers, were under the yoke of obligation; no personal sacrifice of theirs could atone for the guilt of fallen man. Christ alone was free from the claims of the law to undertake the redemption of the sinful race. He had power to lay down His life and to take it up again....The blood of Christ is efficacious, but it needs to be applied continually. God not only wants His servants to use the means He has intrusted to them for His glory, but He desires them to make a consecration of themselves to His cause. - Testimonies for the Church 4:120 - 122.The Saviour is bending over the purchase of His blood, saying with inexpressible tenderness and pity, "Wilt thou be made whole?" He bids you arise in health and peace.... He will set free the captive that is held by weakness and misfortune and the chains of sin. - The Desire of Ages, 203.We must exercise that living faith, which will penetrate the clouds that, like a thick wall, separate us from heaven's light. - Messages to Young People, 103. WGD 236 - WGD 236.6

August 22

The Blind Man Healed, August 22FH 246 Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. John 9:3. "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?"...In the question the disciples asked Jesus, they showed that they thought all disease and suffering the result of sin. This is indeed truth, but Jesus showed that it was an error to suppose that everyone who was a great sufferer was also a great sinner. While He corrected their errors, He spat upon the ground and made clay of the spittle, and anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and said unto him, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent)," and he went his way, and came seeing. Jesus answered the question the disciples put to Him in a practical way, and in the way He usually answered questions put to Him from curiosity. The disciples were not called upon to discuss the question of who had sinned or not sinned but to understand the power of God, His mercy and compassion, in giving sight to the blind. It was that all might be convinced that there was no healing virtue in the clay or in the pool wherein he was sent to wash, but that virtue was in Christ....The friends and neighbors of the young man who had been healed looked upon him with doubt, for when his eyes were opened, his countenance had been changed and brightened, and made him appear like another man. From one to another the question was passed, "Is it he?" And some said, "It is like him," but he who had received the great blessing settled the controversy by saying, "I am he." He then told them of Jesus and by what means Jesus had healed him, and they inquired, "Where is he? He said, I know not. They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind. And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes.... Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them."...They knew not that it was He who had made the Sabbath, who knew all its obligations, who had healed the man. - Signs of the Times, October 23, 1893 FH 246 - FH 246.5

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Whole Foods CEO:Beyond Meat & Impossible Burger UNHEALTHY.Leave Flesh & VegeMeat.Diet & Sinlessness

August 21

His Blood Was Shed for Many, August 21WGD 235The Cleansing BloodFor this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28.Children of the Lord, how precious is the promise! How full the atonement of the Saviour for our guilt! The Redeemer, with a heart of unalterable love, still pleads His sacred blood in the sinner's behalf. The wounded hands, the pierced side, the marred feet, plead eloquently for fallen man, whose redemption is purchased at such an infinite cost. Oh, matchless condescension! Neither time nor events can lessen the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice. As the fragrant cloud of incense rose acceptably to Heaven, and Aaron sprinkled the blood upon the mercy - seat of ancient Israel, and cleansed the people from guilt, so the merits of the slain Lamb are accepted by God today as a purifier from the defilement of sin. - Testimonies for the Church 4:124.As we receive the bread and wine symbolizing Christ's broken body and spilled blood, we in imagination join in the scene of communion in the upper chamber. We seem to be passing through the garden consecrated by the agony of Him who bore the sins of the world. We witness the struggle by which our reconciliation with God was obtained. Christ is set forth crucified among us.Looking upon the crucified Redeemer, we more fully comprehend the magnitude and meaning of the sacrifice made by the Majesty of heaven. The plan of salvation is glorified before us, and the thought of Calvary awakens living and sacred emotions in our hearts. Praise to God and the Lamb will be in our hearts and on our lips; for pride and self - worship cannot flourish in the soul that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary. - The Desire of Ages, 661. WGD 235 - WGD 235.4

Abundant Evidence for Faith, August 21

FH 245. The man... told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. John 5:15. "As the restored one went on his way with quick, elastic step, his pulses bounding with the vigor of renewed health, his countenance glowing with hope and joy, he was met by the Pharisees, who told him, with an air of great sanctity, that it was not lawful to carry his bed on the Sabbath day. There was no rejoicing at the deliverance of that long - imprisoned captive, no grateful praise that One was among them who could heal all manner of disease. Their traditions had been disregarded, and this closed their eyes to all the evidence of divine power.Bigoted and self - righteous, they would not admit that they could have misapprehended the true design of the Sabbath. Instead of criticizing themselves, they chose to condemn Christ. We meet with people of the same spirit today, who are blinded by error and yet flatter themselves that they are right, and all who differ from them are in the wrong.The man on whom the miracle had been wrought entered into no controversy with his accusers. He simply answered, "He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk."...When the Jews were informed that it was Jesus of Nazareth who had performed the miracle of healing, they openly sought to put Him to death, "because he had done these things on the sabbath day." These pretentious formalists were so full of zeal for their own traditions that to sustain them they were ready to violate the law of God!To their charges, Jesus replied calmly,... "I am working in perfect harmony with my Father." This answer furnished another pretext to condemn Him. Murder was in their hearts, and they waited only for a plausible excuse to take His life. But Jesus steadily continues to assert His true position. "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."...God works through whom He will by ways and means of His own choosing, but there are ever some to act the part of the criticizing Pharisees....God designs that all shall believe, not because there is no possibility of doubt, but because there is abundant evidence for faith." - Signs of the Times, June 8, 1882. FH 245 - FH 245.8

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August 20

We Are Redeemed by His Blood, August 20WGD 234The Cleansing BloodIn whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7.Our condition through sin has become preternatural, and the power that restores us must be supernatural, else it has no value. There is but one power that can break the hold of evil from the hearts of men, and that is the power of God in Jesus Christ. Only through the blood of the Crucified One is there cleansing from sin.His grace alone can enable us to resist and subdue the tendencies of our fallen nature. This power the spiritualistic theories concerning God make of no effect. If God is an essence pervading all nature, then He dwells in all men; and in order to attain holiness, man has only to develop the power that is within him. - Testimonies for the Church 8:291.You may have the overcomer's reward, and stand before the throne of Christ to sing His praises in the day when He assembles His saints; but your robes must be cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, and charity must cover you as a garment, and you be found spotless and without blemish. John says: After this I beheld and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb." "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.... They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat." - Testimonies for the Church 4:125. WGD 234 - WGD 234.4

Act When Opportunity knocks, August 20

FH 244. Do you want to be made well? John 5:6. "The healing of the sick man at Bethesda has a lesson of priceless worth to every Christian, a lesson of solemn and fearful import to the unbelieving and the skeptical. As the paralytic lay beside the pool, helpless and well - nigh hopeless, Jesus drew near and asked, in tones of pity, "Wilt thou be made whole?" Be made whole! This had been the burden of his desire and prayers for long, weary years. With trembling eagerness he told the story of his efforts and disappointments. No friend was at hand to bear him with sturdy arm into the healing fountain. His agonizing appeals for help fell unheeded; all around him were those who sought for their own loved ones the coveted boon. When at the troubling of the waters he painfully sought to reach the pool, another would be hurried down before him.Jesus looked upon the sufferer and said, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." There was no assurance of divine help, no manifestation of miraculous power. What marvel, had the man made answer, "It is impossible! How can I be expected now to use my limbs that have not obeyed my will for thirty - eight years?" From a merely human standpoint, such reasoning would appear consistent. The sufferer might have given place to doubt and thus have permitted that God - given opportunity to pass unimproved. But no; without a question he seized his only chance. As he attempted to do what Christ had commanded, strength and vigor came; he was made whole.Would you, doubting reader, receive the blessing of the Lord? Cease to question His word and distrust His promises. Obey the Savior's bidding, and you will receive strength. If you hesitate, to enter into a discussion with Satan or to consider the difficulties and improbabilities, your opportunity will pass, perhaps never to return.The miracle at Bethesda should have convinced all beholders that Jesus is the Son of God....At Christ's command, the paralytic had borne away the simple mat on which he had lain; and now Satan, ever ready with his insinuations, suggested that this act might be construed into a violation of the Sabbath.... It was hoped that a controversy on this point would destroy the faith inspired in some hearts by our Savior's act of healing." - Signs of the Times, June 8, 1882. FH 244 - FH 244.6

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19th

Forgive and Ye Shall Be Forgiven, August 19WGD 233Confessed Sins are ForgivenJudge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. Luke 6:37.Jesus teaches that we can receive forgiveness from God only as we forgive others. It is the love of God that draws us unto Him, and that love can not touch our hearts without creating love for our brethren....He who is unforgiving, cuts off the very channel through which alone he can receive mercy from God. We should not think that unless those who have injured us confess the wrong, we are justified in withholding from them our forgiveness. It is their part, no doubt, to humble their hearts by repentance and confession; but we are to have a spirit of compassion toward those who have trespassed against us, whether or not they confess their faults. However sorely they may have wounded us, we are not to cherish our grievances, and sympathize with ourselves over our injuries; but as we hope to be pardoned for our offenses against God, we are to pardon all who have done evil to us.But forgiveness has a broader meaning than many suppose. When God gives the promise that He "will abundantly pardon," He adds, as if the meaning of that promise exceeded all that we could comprehend: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."God's forgiveness is not merely a judicial act by which He sets us free from condemnation. It is not only forgiveness for sin, but reclaiming from sin. It is the outflow of redeeming love that transforms the heart.... God in Christ gave Himself for our sins. - Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 113, 114. WGD 233 - WGD 233.5

Blinded by Prejudice, August 19

FH 243. But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe. John 5:38. "As at different times during Christ's work divinity flashed through humanity and He stood transfigured before the people, the Jewish leaders were deeply impressed. But as they talked it over with one another, their unbelief strengthened, and the evidence that should have convinced them was rejected. The strongest evidence was no evidence to them, while the weakest, most superficial arguments, if against the truth which the Savior brought, were sound in their estimation. They had started upon a path leading to eternal ruin....Christ saw that the Jewish teachers misinterpreted the Word of God, and He urged upon them a more diligent study of its precepts. In Him were fast being fulfilled the types and shadows of the Jewish economy. If they searched the Scriptures as they should, they would find that He claimed nothing which was not rightfully His.Had the Jews searched God's Word as they should, they would have seen that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. But they searched with proud, selfish ambition as a guide, and they found a Messiah of their own imagination. Therefore when the Savior came, a humble man, bringing to naught by His teaching long - established theories and traditions, presenting truth entirely opposite to their practices, they said, Who is this invader that dares to set aside our authority? Christ did not come as they had expected; therefore they refused to receive Him and called Him a deceiver and an impostor. Instead of listening to Him that they might learn the truth, they listened with evil intent, that they might find something over which to cavil. And when once they had set their feet in the path of the great leader in rebellion, it was an easy matter for Satan to strengthen them in opposition. Christ's wonderful works, which God meant to be heaven - sent evidence to them, Satan caused them to interpret against Him. The more marked the way in which God spoke to them by His works of mercy and love, the more confirmed did they become in their resistance. Blinded by prejudice, they refused to acknowledge that Jesus is divine....He was God in human flesh, and He could not but work the works of God." - The Review and Herald, March 26, 1901. FH 243 - FH 243.5

Sunday, August 18, 2019

He Will Not Remember Our Sins, August 18

WGD 232. "Confessed Sins are ForgivenI, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins." Isaiah 43:25.Said Jesus: "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels." ...The deepest interest manifested among men in the decisions of earthly tribunals but faintly represents the interest evinced in the heavenly courts when the names entered in the book of life come up in review before the Judge of all the earth....Sins that have not been repented of and forsaken will not be pardoned, and blotted out of the books of record, but will stand to witness against the sinner in the day of God. He may have committed his evil deeds in the light of day or in the darkness of night; but they were open and manifest before Him with whom we have to do. Angels of God witnessed each sin, and registered it in the unerring records. Sin may be concealed, denied, covered up from father, mother, wife, children, and associates; no one but the guilty actors may cherish the least suspicion of the wrong; but it is laid bare before the intelligences of heaven.The darkness of the darkest night, the secrecy of all deceptive arts, is not sufficient to veil one thought from the knowledge of the Eternal God has an exact record of every unjust account and every unfair dealing. He is not deceived by appearances of piety. He makes no mistakes in His estimation of character. Men may be deceived by those who are corrupt in heart, but God pierces all disguises, and reads the inner life. How solemn is the thought! - The Great Controversy, 483 - 486. WGD 232 - WGD 232.5

Revealing the Father, August 18

FH 242. "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". John 14:9. "The fact that the people were more interested in Christ's teaching than they were in the dry, tedious arguments of the Jewish teachers maddened the scribes and Pharisees. These teachers spoke with uncertainty, interpreting the Scriptures to mean one thing and then another. This left the people in great confusion. But as they listened to Jesus, their hearts were warmed and comforted. He presented God as a loving Father, not as an avenging judge. He drew all, high and low, rich and poor, to see God in His true character, leading them to call Him by the endearing name, "Our Father."By loving words and by works of mercy, Christ bore down old traditions and man - made commandments and presented the love of the Father in its exhaustless fullness. His calm, earnest, musical voice fell like balm on the wounded spirit. He was revealing the image of God mirrored in Himself. He presented to His hearers the truths of the prophecies, separating them from the obscure interpretations which the scribes and Pharisees had attached to them. He scattered the heavenly grains of truth wherever He went.Determined to hear what Christ said to His disciples, the scribes and Pharisees kept spies on His track. These spies noted His words and reported them to the Jewish authorities, who, when they heard them, were almost beside themselves with ill - concealed rage, which they interpreted to be zeal for God.As the members of the Sanhedrin counseled together, there were not wanting men with strong, determined prejudices who advised that this man who claimed so much be at once put down....They saw that Christ's influence over the people was fast becoming greater than theirs. They longed to crush Him for daring to make their traditions of none effect, but they feared to move openly because of the people. They thought that if they worked secretly, watching His words and actions, they would soon find such accusations against Him that He could be put on trial for His life....Christ was giving the rulers of Israel light which would make them inexcusable. Nothing was left undone that could be done to convince them of their error." - The Review and Herald, March 5, 1901. FH 242 - FH 242.7

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sabbath Morning Worship 8/17/2019

Sabbath Services 8/17/2019 (Gospel of Health)

Sabbath Services 8/17/2019 (Gospel of Health)

I Acknowledged and Thou Forgavest, August 17

WGD 231Confessed Sins are ForgivenI acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5.For those who are convicted of sin and weighed down with a sense of their unworthiness, there are lessons of faith and encouragement in this record. The Bible faithfully presents the result of Israel's apostasy; but it portrays also the deep humiliation and repentance, the earnest devotion and generous sacrifice, that marked their seasons of return to the Lord.Every true turning to the Lord brings abiding joy into the life. When a sinner yields to the influence of the Holy Spirit, he sees his own guilt and defilement in contrast with the holiness of the great Searcher of hearts. He sees himself condemned as a transgressor. But he is not, because of this, to give way to despair; for his pardon has already been secured. He may rejoice in the sense of sins forgiven, in the love of a pardoning heavenly Father. It is God's glory to encircle sinful, repentant human beings in the arms of His love, to bind up their wounds, to cleanse them from sin, and to clothe them with the garments of salvation. - Prophets and Kings, 668.The Psalms of David pass through the whole range of experience, from the depths of conscious guilt and self - condemnation to the loftiest faith and the most exalted communing with God. His life record declares that sin can bring only shame and woe, but that God's love and mercy can reach to the deepest depths, that faith will lift up the repenting soul to share the adoption of the sons of God. Of all the assurances which His Word contains, it is one of the strongest testimonies to the faithfulness, the justice, and the covenant mercy of God. - . WGD 231 - WGD 231.4

Rejected, August 17

FH 241. "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him." John 1:11. "At the first advent of Christ, which was in apparent obscurity, the angels of heaven could scarcely be restrained from pouring forth their glories to grace the birth of the Son of God. The glorious manifestations of heaven were not entirely restrained. The wonderful event was not without some attestations of a divine character. That birth, so little prepared for on earth, was celebrated in the heavenly courts with praise and thanksgiving in behalf of sinners....He who came in human flesh and submitted to a life of humiliation was the Majesty of heaven, the Prince of life, and yet the wise men of the earth, the princes and rulers, and even His own nation, knew Him not. They did not recognize Him as the long - looked - for Messiah. Notwithstanding mighty miracles did show forth themselves in Him, notwithstanding He opened the eyes of the blind and raised the dead to life, Christ suffered the hatred and abuse of the people He came to bless. They regarded Him as a sinner and accused Him of casting out devils through the prince of devils. The circumstances of His birth were mysterious and were remarked upon by the rulers. They charged Him with being born in sin. The Prince of heaven was insulted because of the corrupt minds and the sinful, blasphemous unbelief of His people. What a baleful thing is unbelief! It originated with the first great apostate, and to what fearful lengths it will lead all who enter upon its path is seen in the Jews' rejection of their Messiah....The leaders in Israel professed to understand the prophecies, but they had received false ideas in regard to the manner of Christ's coming....The very One who died for sinners is to judge them in the last day; for the Father "hath committed all judgment unto the Son" and "hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man."What a day that will be, when those who rejected Christ will look upon Him whom their sins have pierced. They will then know that He proffered them all heaven if they would but stand by His side as obedient children; that He paid an infinite price for their redemption; but that they would not accept freedom from the galling slavery of sin. They chose to stand under the black banner of rebellion to the close of mercy's hour. - The Review and Herald, September 5, 1899. FH 241 - FH 241.6

Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16

Confession Leads to Salvation, August 16. WGD 230 "Confessed Sins are Forgiven For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:10. "Could Christians realize how many times the Lord has ordered their way, that the purposes of the enemy concerning them might not be accomplished, they would not stumble along complainingly. Their faith would be stayed on God, and no trial would have power to move them. They would acknowledge Him as their wisdom and efficiency, and He would bring to pass that which He desires to work out through them. - Prophets and Kings, 576.The conditions of obtaining mercy from God are simple and reasonable. The Lord does not require us to do some grievous thing in order to gain forgiveness. We need not make long and wearisome pilgrimages, or perform painful penances, to commend our souls to the God of heaven or to expiate our transgression. He that "confesseth and forsaketh" his sin "shall have mercy."In the courts above, Christ is pleading for His church - pleading for those for whom He has paid the redemption price of His blood. Centuries, ages, can never lessen the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice. Neither life nor death, height nor depth, can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus; not because we hold Him so firmly, but because He holds us so fast. If our salvation depended on our own efforts, we could not be saved; but it depends on the One who is behind all the promises. Our grasp on Him may seem feeble, but His love is that of an elder brother; so long as we maintain our union with Him, no one can pluck us out of His hand." - . WGD 230 - WGD 230.4

Christ the Way To Victory, August 16th

Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve KJV — Matthew 4:10 FH 240. "Satan had been defeated in the first temptation. He next took Christ to the pinnacle of the temple at Jerusalem and asked Him to prove His Sonship to God by throwing Himself down from the dizzy height. "If thou be the Son of God," he said, "cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone." But to do this would be presumption on the part of Christ, and He would not yield. "It is written again," He replied, "thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Again the tempter was baffled. Christ was victor still.Presumption is a common temptation, and when Satan assails us with this, he gains the victory almost every time. Those who claim to be enlisted in the warfare against evil frequently plunge without thought into temptation from which it would require a miracle to bring them forth unsullied. God's precious promises are not given to strengthen us in a presumptuous course or to rely upon when we rush needlessly into danger. The Lord requires us to move with a humble dependence upon His guidance. "It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." In God is our prosperity and our life.... "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." As children of God, we are to maintain a consistent Christian character.While you pray... that you may not be led into temptation, remember that your work does not end with prayer. As far as possible you must answer your own prayers by resisting temptation. Ask Jesus to do for you that which you cannot do for yourself. With God's Word for our guide and Jesus for our teacher, we need not be ignorant of God's requirements or of Satan's devices."Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." Then divinity flashed through humanity. "Get thee hence, Satan," Christ said, "for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Satan did not then present another temptation. He left the presence of Christ a conquered foe. - Youth's Instructor, December 21, 1899. FH 240 - FH 240.5

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Sunday centers in Eucharist.Pope a Creator,Demands Sun-Worship.Give Thanks in Crisis as Leper,Daniel

If We Confess, He Is Faithful, August 15

WGD 229. Confessed Sins are Forgiven. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9.The humble and broken heart, subdued by genuine repentance, will appreciate something of the love of God, and the cost of Calvary; and as a son confesses to a loving father, so will the truly penitent bring all his sins before God. - Testimonies for the Church 5:641.Every sin is an offense against God, and is to be confessed to Him through Christ. Every open sin should be as openly confessed. Wrong done to a fellow being should be made right with the one who has been offended. If any who are seeking health have been guilty of evil - speaking, if they have sowed discord in the home, and neighborhood, or the church, and have stirred up alienation and dissension, if by any wrong practise they have led others into sin, these things should be confessed before God and before those who have been offended. - The Ministry of Healing, 228.We are not to trust in our faith, but in the promises of God. When we repent of our past transgressions of His law, and resolve to render obedience in the future, we should believe that God for Christ's sake accepts us, and forgives our sins.Darkness and discouragement will sometimes come upon the soul, and threaten to overwhelm us; but we should not cast away our confidence. We must keep the eye fixed on Jesus, feeling or no feeling. We should seek to faithfully perform every known duty, and then calmly rest in the promises of God. - Messages to Young People, 111 WGD 229 - WGD 229.5

August 15

Overcoming As Christ Overcame, August 15FH 239For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15.As Christ's ministry was about to begin, He received baptism at the hands of John. Coming up out of the water, He bowed on the banks of the Jordan and offered to the Father such a prayer as heaven had never before listened to.... The heavens were opened, and a dove, in appearance like burnished gold, rested upon Jesus; and from the lips of the infinite God were heard the words, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."This visible answer to the prayer of God's Son is of deep significance to us....All may find rest and peace and assurance in sending their prayers to God in the name of His dear Son. As the heavens were open to Christ's prayer, so they will be opened to our prayers....From the Jordan, Jesus was led into the wilderness of temptation. "And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."...Adam had failed on the point of appetite, and Christ must conquer here. The power that rested upon Him came directly from the Father, and He must not exercise it in His own behalf.... He met and resisted the enemy in the strength of a "Thus saith the Lord." "Man shall not live by bread alone," He said, "but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."...Christ's experience is for our benefit. His example in overcoming appetite points out the way for those to overcome who would be His followers.Christ was suffering as the members of the human family suffer under temptation, but it was not the will of God that He should exercise His divine power in His own behalf. Had He not stood as our representative, Christ's innocence would have exempted Him from all this anguish; but it was because of His innocence that He felt so keenly the assaults of Satan. All the suffering that is the result of sin was poured into the bosom of the sinless Son of God. Satan was bruising the heel of Christ, but every pang endured by Christ, every grief, every disquietude, was fulfilling the great plan of our redemption. Every blow inflicted by the enemy was rebounding on himself. Christ was bruising the serpent's head. - Youth's Instructor, December 21, 1899. FH 239 - FH 239.8

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

0:31 / 35:45 Pope:Eucharist is Jesus.1/2 of US Catholics Disagree@this 11th Hour.Rev18:2-4.Work,Dont Wait for MOB

All Sins, Save One, Shall Be Forgiven, August 14th

WGD 228 "Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, . . . but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness." Mark 3:28, 29. "What constitutes the sin against the Holy Ghost? - It is willfully attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. For example, suppose that one is a witness of the special work of the Spirit of God. He has convincing evidence that the work is in harmony with the Scriptures, and the Spirit witnesses with his spirit that it is of God. Afterward, however he falls under temptation; pride, self - sufficiency, or some other evil trait, controls him; and rejecting all the evidence of its divine character, he declares that that which he had before acknowledged to be the power of the Holy Spirit was the power of Satan. It is through the medium of His Spirit that God works upon the human heart; and when men willfully reject the Spirit, and declare it to be from Satan, they cut off the channel by which God can communicate with them. By denying the evidence which God has been pleased to give them, they shut out the light which had been shining in their hearts, and as the result they are left in darkness. - Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 634.Whatever the sin, if the soul repents and believes, the guilt is washed away by the blood of Christ; but he who rejects the work of the Holy Spirit is placing himself where repentance and faith cannot come to him. It is by the Spirit that God works upon the heart; when men wilfully reject the Spirit, and declare it to be from Satan, they cut off the channel by which God can communicate with them. When the Spirit is finally rejected, there is no more that God can do for the soul." - The Desire of Ages, p. 322. WGD 228 - WGD 228.3

August 14th

By Words and by Example, August 14FH 238 "And the common people heard Him gladly." Mark 12:37. "Christ passed no human being by as worthless and hopeless, but sought to apply the saving remedy to every soul who needed help. Wherever He was found, He had a lesson to present that was the right one for the time and circumstance. He sought to inspire with hope the most rough and unpromising, setting before them the idea that they might become blameless and harmless and attain a character that would be Christlike. They could be the children of God and shine as lights in the world, even though they lived among evil people. This was the reason that so many heard Him gladly. From His very childhood He worked for others, letting His light shine amid the moral darkness of the world. In bearing burdens in His home life and in laboring in more public fields, He showed everyone what the character of God is. He encouraged everything that had a bearing on the real interests of life, but He did not encourage the youth in dreaming of what would be in the future. He taught them by His words and by His example that the future would be decided by the way in which they spent the present. Our destiny is marked out by our own course of action. Those who cherish that which is right, who work out God's plan though it be in a narrow sphere of action, and who do right because it is right will find wider fields of usefulness....It is our privilege now to act a part in the work and mission of Christ. We may be laborers together with Him. In whatever work we are called to engage, we may work with Christ. He is doing all that He can to set us free, to make our lives that seem so cramped and narrow reach out to bless and help others. He would have us understand that we are held responsible to do good, and have us realize that in shunning our work we are bringing loss upon ourselves....Jesus carried the burden of the salvation of the human family upon His heart. He knew that unless men and women would receive Him and become changed in purpose and life, they would be eternally lost. This was the burden of His soul, and He was alone in carrying this load. No one knew how heavy was the weight that rested upon His heart; but from His youth He was filled with a deep longing to be a lamp in the world, and He purposed that His life should be "the light of the world." This He was, and that light still shines to all who are in darkness. Let us walk in the light which He has given." - Youth's Instructor, January 2, 1896. FH 238 - FH 238.4

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

MOB Coming.Netflix:The Family.Ntl PrayerBreakfasts.From Pastors to Politicians.Guard Avenues of Soul

Only God Can Forgive, August 13

WGD 227. "To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him." Dan. 9:9. "Do not look to men, nor hang your hopes upon them, feeling that they are infallible, but look to Jesus constantly. Say nothing that would cast a reproach upon our faith. Confess your secret sins alone before your God. Acknowledge your heart wanderings to Him who knows perfectly how to treat your case.If you have wronged your neighbor, acknowledge to him your sin, and show fruit of the same by making restitution. Then claim the blessing. Come to God just as you are, and let Him heal all your infirmities. Press your case to the throne of grace; let the work be thorough. Be sincere in dealing with God and your own soul. If you come to Him with a heart truly contrite, He will give you the victory. Then you may bear a sweet testimony of freedom, showing forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. He will not misapprehend or misjudge you. Your fellowmen cannot absolve you from sin, or cleanse you from iniquity. Jesus is the only one who can give you peace. He loved you, and gave Himself for you. His great heart of love is "touched with the feeling of our infirmities."What sins are too great for Him to pardon? What soul too dark and sin - oppressed for Him to save? He is gracious, not looking for merit in us, but of His own boundless goodness healing our backslidings and loving us freely, while we are yet great sinners. He is "slow to anger and of great kindness." - Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 649.Confess your sins to God, who only can forgive them, and your faults to one another. - Testimonies, vol. 5., p. 639. WGD 227 - WGD 227.5

Jesus Was From Nazareth, August 13

FH 237 Can anything good come out of Nazareth? John 1:46. "The first thirty years of the life of Christ were passed in the obscure village of Nazareth. The inhabitants of this village were proverbial for their wickedness, hence the inquiry of Nathanael, "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?" The evangelists say but very little in regard to the early life of Christ. With the exception of a brief account of His accompanying His parents to Jerusalem, we have the simple statement only, "And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him."...Children and youth are frequently situated where their surroundings are not favorable to a Christian life, and they quite readily yield to temptations and plead as an excuse for pursuing a course of sin that their surroundings are unfavorable....Christ placed His feet in the most uneven path that children and youth will ever be called to travel. He did not have allotted to Him a life of affluence and indolence. His parents were poor and dependent upon their daily toil for sustenance; therefore the life of Christ was one of poverty, self - denial, and privation. He shared with His parents their life of diligent industry.None will ever be called to perfect Christian character under more unfavorable circumstances than that of our Savior. The fact that Christ lived thirty years in Nazareth, from which many thought it a wonder if any good thing could come, is a rebuke to the youth who consider that their religious character must conform to circumstances. If the surroundings of youth are unpleasant and positively bad, many make this an excuse for not perfecting Christian character. The example of Christ would rebuke the idea that His followers are dependent upon place, fortune, or prosperity in order to live blameless lives. Christ would teach them that their faithfulness would make any place, or position, where the providence of God called them, honorable, however humble....The trials and privations of which so many youth complain, Christ endured without murmuring. And this discipline is the very experience the youth need, which will give firmness to their character and make them like Christ, strong in spirit to resist temptation.... Through daily prayer to God they will have wisdom and grace from Him to bear the conflicts and stern realities of life and come off victorious." - Youth's Instructor, March 1872. FH 237 - FH 237.6

Monday, August 12, 2019

Search Me and Know My Heart,

Search Me and Know My Heart, August 12WGD 226"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Ps. 139:23, 24.Nothing is more treacherous than the deceitfulness of sin. It is the god of this world that deludes, and blinds, and leads to destruction. Satan does not enter with his array of temptations at once. He disguises these temptations with a semblance of good. He mingles with amusements and folly some little improvements, and deceived souls make it an excuse that great good is to be derived by engaging in them. This is only the deceptive part. It is Satan's hellish arts masked. Beguiled souls take one step, then are prepared for the next. It is so much more pleasant to follow the inclinations of their own hearts than to stand on the defensive, and resist the first insinuation of the wily foe, and thus shut out his in - comings.Oh, how Satan watches to see his bait taken so readily, and to see souls walking in the very path he has prepared! He does not want them to give up praying and maintaining a form of religious duties; for he can thus make them more useful in his service. He unites his sophistry and deceptive snares with their experiences and professions, and thus won - derfully advances his cause.There is a necessity for close self - examination, and to closely investigate in the light of God's Word, Am I sound, or am I rotten, at heart? Am I renewed in Christ, or am I still carnal at heart, with an outside, new dress put on? Rein yourself up to the tribunal of God, and see as in the light of God if there is any secret sin, any iniquity, any idol you have not sacrificed. . . . Deal truly with your own souls. Search carefully. - Messages to Young People, pp. 83, 84. WGD 226 - WGD 226.4

Scripture Was Jesus' Guide, August 12

FH 236 "And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers." Luke 2:47. "They the rabbis knew that He was far in advance of them in spiritual understanding and that He lived a blameless life, yet they were angry with Him because He would not violate His conscience by obeying their dictates. Failing to convince Him that He ought to look upon human tradition as sacred, they came to Joseph and Mary and complained that Jesus was taking a wrong course in regard to their customs and traditions. Jesus knew what it was to have His family divided against Him on account of His religious faith. He loved peace; He craved the love and confidence of the members of His family; but He knew what it was to have them withdraw their affection from Him. He suffered rebuke and censure because He took a straightforward course and would not do evil because others did evil, but was true to the commandments of Jehovah. His brethren rebuked Him because He stood aloof from the ceremonies that were taught by the rabbis, for they regarded the word of human beings more highly than the word of God because they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.Jesus made the Scriptures His constant study; and when the scribes and Pharisees tried to make Him accept their doctrines, they found Him ready to meet them with the Word of God, and they could do nothing to convince Him that they were right. He seemed to know the Scriptures from beginning to end and repeated them in such a way that their true meaning shone out.... They were angry that this child should dare to question their word, when it was their calling to study and explain the Scriptures....His brethren threatened Him and sought to compel Him to take a wrong course, but He passed on, making the Scriptures His guide. From the time His parents found Him in the temple asking and answering questions among the doctors, they could not understand His course of action. Quiet and gentle, He seemed as one who was set apart. Whenever He could, He went out alone into the fields and on the mountainsides to commune with the God of nature. When His work was done, He wandered by the lakeside, among the trees of the forest, and in the green valleys where He could think about God and lift His soul to heaven in prayer. After a season thus spent, He would return to His home to take up again the humble duties of His life and to give to all an example of patient labor." - Youth's Instructor, December 5, 1895. FH 236 - FH 236.4

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Holy Spirit Brings Conviction, August 11

WGD 225. "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment." John 16:8. It is the privilege of every Christian to enjoy the deep movings of the Spirit of God. A sweet, heavenly peace will pervade the mind, and you will love to meditate upon God and heaven. You will feast upon the glorious promises of His Word. But know first that you have begun the Christian course. Know that the first steps are taken in the road to everlasting life. Be not deceived. I fear, yea, I know that many of you know not what religion is. You have felt some excitement, some emotion, but have never seen sin in its enormity. You have never felt your undone condition, and turned from your evil ways with bitter sorrow. You have never died to the world. You still love its pleasures; you love to engage in conversation on worldly matters. But when the truth of God is introduced, you have nothing to say. Why so silent? Why so talkative upon worldly things, and so silent upon the subject that should most concern you, - a subject that should engage your whole soul? The truth of God does not dwell in you. - Messages to Young People, pp. 132, 133.The Christian's life is not a modification or improvement of the old, but a transformation of nature. There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether. This change can be brought about only by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit. - Messages to Young People., p. 157.The Holy Spirit never leaves unassisted the soul who is looking unto Jesus. He takes of the things of Christ and shows them unto him. If the eye is kept fixed on Christ, the work of the Spirit ceases not until the soul is conformed to His image. - The Desire of Ages, p. 302. WGD 225 - WGD 225.4

Living The Truth, August 11

FH 235 The grace of God was upon Him. Luke 2:40. "Even in His childhood Jesus saw that the people did not live in the way that the Bible pointed out as the way for them to live. He studied the Bible and followed the simple habits and ways that the Word of God directs; and when people found fault with Him because He was so lowly and simple, He pointed them to the Word of God. His brothers told Him that He thought Himself much better than they were, and reproved Him for setting Himself up above the priests and rulers of the people. Jesus knew that if He obeyed the Word of God, He would not find rest and peace in the home circle.As He grew in knowledge, He knew that great errors were increasing among His people and that because they followed human commands instead of obeying the commands of God, simplicity and truth and true piety were becoming lost in the earth. He saw the people going through forms and ceremonies in their worship of God and passing by the sacred truths that made their service of value. He knew that their faithless services could not do them any good and would not bring them peace or rest. They could not know what it was to have freedom of spirit when they did not serve God in truth.Jesus did not always silently look upon these worthless services but sometimes told the people where they were going wrong. Because He was so quick to see what was false and what was true, His brethren were greatly annoyed at Him, for they said that whatever the priest taught ought to be considered as sacred as a command of God. But Jesus taught both by His words and by His example that men and women ought to worship God just as He has directed them to worship Him and not follow the ceremonies that human teachers have said ought to be followed....The priests and the Pharisees also were annoyed because this child would not accept their human inventions, maxims, and traditions. They thought that He showed great disrespect to their religion and to the rabbis who had commanded these services. He told them that He would heed every word that came from the mouth of God and that they must show Him from the Bible where He was in error. He pointed out to them the fact that they were placing the word of human beings above the Word of God and causing people to show disrespect to God through obeying these human commandments." - Youth's Instructor, December 5, 1895. FH 235 - FH 235.5

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Was Gods Sabbath Changed? By Whom? Mark of The Beast, on its way! (Saved To Serve) 8/10/2019

Sabbath Worship 8/10/2019 (Saved To Serve)

I Acknowledge My Transgression, August 10

WGD 224 "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me." Ps. 51:3. "Thorough conversion is necessary among those who profess to believe the truth, in order for them to follow Jesus and obey the will of God, - not a submission born of circumstances, as was that of the terrified Israelites when the power of the Infinite was revealed to them, but a deep and heart - felt repentance and renunciation of sin.Those who are but half converted, are as a tree whose boughs hang upon the side of truth, but whose roots, firmly bedded in the earth, strike out into the barren soil of the world. Jesus looks in vain for fruit upon its branches; He finds nothing but leaves. - Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 155.The reason why the youth, and even those of mature years, are so easily led into temptation and sin, is that they do not study the Word of God and meditate upon it as they should. The lack of firm, decided will - power, which is manifest in life and character, results from their neglect of the sacred instruction of God's Word. - Testimonies., vol. 8, p. 319.In order to receive help from Christ, we must realize our need. We must have a true knowledge of ourselves. It is only he who knows himself to be a sinner that Christ can save. Only as we see our utter helplessness and renounce all self - trust, shall we lay hold on divine power. . . . All our good works are dependent on a power outside of ourselves; therefore there needs to be a continual reaching out of the heart after God, a constant, earnest confession of sin and humbling of the soul before Him. Perils surround us; and we are safe only as we feel our weakness, and cling with the grasp of faith to our mighty Deliverer." - Testimonies., vol. 8., p. 316 WGD 224 - WGD 224.5

August 10

FH 234 "And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom." Luke 2:40.The Jewish people had wrong ideas about the Messiah and His work.... They were looking for the glory that will be seen when Christ comes the second time, and did not study the Bible so that they could know that He was to come the first time in a very lowly way. But Jesus asked questions about the scriptures that pointed to His first appearing, that flashed light into the minds of those who were willing to receive the truth. Before He had come to the earth, He had given these prophecies to His servants who had written them down, and now as He studied the Bible, the Holy Spirit brought these things to His mind and showed Him the great work that He was to do in the earth. As He grew in knowledge, He imparted knowledge to others. But though He was wiser than the learned men, He did not become proud or feel that He was above doing the most humble toil. He took His share of the burden, with His father, mother, and brethren, and toiled to help support the family. Though the doctors had been amazed at His wisdom, He obeyed His parents and worked with His own hands as any toiler would work. It is stated of Jesus that as He grew older He "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."The understanding that He obtained from day to day, that showed Him how wonderful should be His mission in the world, did not lead Him to neglect the humblest duties. He cheerfully took up the work that children and youth who dwell in humble households are called upon to do, for He knew what it was to be pressed by poverty. He understands the temptations of children, for He bore their sorrows and trials. Firm and steadfast was His purpose to do the right; though others tried to lead Him to do evil, He yet never did wrong and would not turn away in the least from the path of truth and right. He always obeyed His parents and did every duty that lay in His path. But His childhood and youth were anything but smooth and joyous. His spotless life aroused the envy and jealousy of His brethren, for they did not believe on Him. They were annoyed because He did not act in all things as they did and would not become one with them in doing evil. In His home life He was cheerful but never boisterous. He ever seemed like one who was seeking to learn. He took great delight in nature, and God was His teacher. - Youth's Instuctor, November 28, 1895. FH 234 - FH 234.3

Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1. In order to accomplish his work unperceived, Satan chose to ...