Friday, April 25, 2014

To Make us Holy

The Purpose of Grace “Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy.” Lev. 19:2 Holiness is not rapture: it is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is doing the will of our heavenly father; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness as well as in the light; it is walking by faith and not by sight; it is relying on God with unquestioning conficence, and resting in His love. Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them…. Education, culture the exercise of the will, human effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they are powerless. They may produce an outward correctness of behavior, but they cannot change the heart; they cannot purify the springs of life. There must be a power working from within, a new life from above, before men can be changed from sin to holiness. That power is Christ. His grace alone can quicken the lifeless faculties of the soul, and attract it to God, To holiness. No man receives holiness as a birthright, or as a gift from any other human being. Holiness is the gift of God through Christ. Those who receive the Saviour become sons of God. They are His spiritual children, born again, renewed in righteousness and true holiness. Their minds are changed. With clearer vision they behold eternal realities. They are adopted into God’s family, and they become conformed to His likeness, changed by His spirit from glory to glory. From cherishing supreme love for self, they come to cherish supreme love for God and for Christ…. Accepting Christ as a personal Saviour, and following His example of self-denial---this is the secret of holiness. Forgetting the things that are behind, let us press forward in the heavenward way. Let us neglect no opportunity that, if improved, will make us more useful in God’s service. Then like threads of gold, holiness will run through our lives, and the angels, beholding our consecration, will repeat the promise, “I will make a man more precious that fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir” (Isa. 13:12). All heaven rejoices when weak, faulty human beings give themselves to Jesus, to live His live.”

Gives Life to the Soul

The Purpose of Grace “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14 “He who seeks to quench his thirst at the fountains of this world will drink to thirst again. Everywhere men are unsatistied. They long for something to supply the need of the soul. Only One can meet that want. The need of the world, “the Desire of all nations,” is Christ. The divine grace which He alone can impart, is as living water, purifying, refreshing, and invigorating the soul. Jesus did not convey the idea that merely one draught of the water of life would suffice the receiver. He who tastes of the love of Christ will continually long for more; but he seeks for nothing else. The riches, honors, and pleasures of the world do not attract him. The constant cry of his heart is, More of Thee. And he who reveals to the soul its necessity is waiting to satisfy its hunger and thirst. Every human resource and dependence will fail. The cistern will be emptied, the pools become dry; but our redeemer is an inexhaustible fountain. We may drink, and drink again, and ever find a fresh supply. He in whom Christ dwells has within himself the fountain of blessing…. From this source he may draw strength and grace sufficient for all his needs. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life. The receiver becomes a giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like a spring in the desert, welling up to refresh all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life. The water that Christ referred to was the revelation of His grace in His Word…. Christ’s gracious presence in His Word is ever speaking to the soul, representing Him as the well of living water to refresh the thirsting. It is our privilege to have a living, abiding Saviour. He is the source of spiritual power implanted within us, and His influence will flow forth in words and actions, refreshing all within the sphere of our influence, begetting in them desires and aspirations for strength and purity, for holiness and peace, and for that joy which brings with it no sorrow. This is the result of an indwelling Saviour.”

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

God is Love and He Desires to Save Everyone in His Kingdom

Our Creator desires that every person will be saved from the fires of the last day when hell fire is Kindled. His word states that we were created for His pleasure, not our own. Revelations 4:11 Says, “Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all Things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” We are living in the time of the three Angels messages of Rev. 14: 6-12, and obedience to Gods Word and His Law is of utmost importance to every human being. Failure to obey Gods Law will result in our acceptance of the mark of the beast and ultimately hell fire. Some people feel that they can eat anything they desire, whatever pleases their taste, as long as they Pray over it to ask Gods blessing on the food, He will bless it. This thinking is clearly erroneous. Gods Word and His Law tells us what we can eat and what we cannot eat. The Bible states in Lev. 11:1-47, What human beings are allowed to eat and in verses seven and eight, Gods word states that swine, pig, Hog, pork, bacon, is unclean in all forms and should not be eaten, not even touched. When God says something should not be touched, it is unclean, that means it is an abomination to disobey His command. In Proverbs 28:9, we read “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall Be an abomination”. This means that no matter how long or how hard one prays over that abominable Food, God does not honour the prayer, it is an abomination to Him. It is never blessed, this is so called food sacrificed to idols, or heathen gods. Gods word is clear and He has sent this Love message. Someone may say that this message is only for Christians or Christs followers, but in Lev. 17:10, the Bible states that even if you were a stranger or Traveler with the people of God, you were also governed by the same rules or laws. So Christian or not, His law is to be kept. Gods Law is still in effect, now more than ever for all humanity. God still desires To save everyone.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

To Establish the Home April 17, 2014

The Purpose of God’s Grace “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established.” Prov. 24:3. “He who gave Eve to Adam as a helpmeet performed His first miracle at a marriage festival…. Thus He recognized it as an institution that He Himself had established. He ordained that men and women should be united in holy wedlock, to rear families whose members, crowned with honor, should be recognized as members of the family above. Like every other one of God’s good gifts…,marriage has been perverted by sin; but it is the purpose of the gospel; to restore its purity and beauty… The grace of Christ, and this alone, can make this institution what God designed it should be—an agent for the blessing and uplifting of humanity. And thus the families of earth, in their unity and peace and love may represent the family of heaven. The condition of society presents a sad comment upon Heaven’s ideal of this sacred relation. Yet even for those who have found bitterness and disappointment where they had hoped for companionship and joy the gospel of Christ offers a solace. The patience and gentleness which His spirit can impart, will sweeten the bitter lot. The heart in which Christ dwells will be so filled, so satisfied, with His love that it will not be consumed with longing to attract sympathy and attention to itself. And through the surrender of the soul to God, His wisdom can accomplish what human wisdom fails to do. Through the revelation of His grace, hearts that were once indifferent or estranged may be united…. Men and women can reach God’s ideal for them if they will take Christ as their helper. What human wisdom cannot do, His grace will accomplish for those who give themselves to Him in loving trust. His providence can unite hearts in bonds that are of heavenly origin. Love will not be a mere exchange of soft and flattering words. The loom of heaven weaves with warp and woof finer, yet more firm, than can be woven by the looms of earth. The result is not a tissue fabric, but a texture that will bear wear and test and trial. Heart will be bound to heart in the golden bonds of a love that is enduring.”

Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1. In order to accomplish his work unperceived, Satan chose to ...