Monday, April 29, 2013

Chap. 119---Strength for Today

"As thy days, so shall thy strength be." Deuteronomy 33:25.

"I thank the Lord for the assurance of His grace, that is for His people
now, today.... The promise is not that we will have strength today for a future
emergency, that anticipated future trouble will be provided for beforehand, before
it comes to us. We may, if we walk by faith, expect strength and provision for us
as fast as our circumstances demand it. We live by faith, not by sight. The Lord’s
arrangement is for us to ask Him for the very things that we need. The grace of
tomorrow will not be given today. Men’s necessity is God’s opportunity.... The
grace of God is never given to be squandered, to be misapplied or perverted, or
to be left to rust with disuse...."

"While you are bearing daily responsibilities in the love and fear of God, as
obedient children walking in all humility of mind, strength and wisdom from
God will be given to meet every trying circumstance."

"We will not be able to meet the trials of this time without God. We are
not to have the courage and fortitude of martyrs of old until brought into the
position they were in.... We are to receive daily supplies of grace for each daily
emergency. Thus we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and if persecution comes upon us, if we must be enclosed in prison walls
for the faith of Jesus and the keeping of God’s holy law, “As thy days, so shall
thy strength be.” Should there be a return of persecution there would be grace
given to arouse every energy of the soul to show a true heroism...."

"We are to keep close to the Source of our strength day by day, and when the
enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard for us against
the enemy. The promise of God is sure, that strength shall be proportioned to our
day. We may be confident for the future only in the strength that is given for the
present necessities. The experience in God is daily becoming more precious....
Do not borrow anxiety for the future. It is today that we are in need.... The Lord
is our helper, our God, and our strength in every time of need."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chap. 116---The Place of Good Works

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians

"Let no one take the limited, narrow position that any of the works of man can
help in the least possible way to liquidate the debt of his transgression. This is
a fatal deception. If you would understand it, you must ... with humble hearts
survey the atonement. This matter is so dimly comprehended that thousands upon
thousands claiming to be sons of God are children of the wicked one, because
they will depend on their own works. God always demanded good works, the
law demands it, but because man placed himself in sin where his good works
were valueless, Jesus’ righteousness alone can avail."

"But are good works of no real value? Is the sinner who commits sin every
day with impunity, regarded of God with the same favor as the one who through
faith in Christ tries to work in his integrity? The Scripture answers,“We are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before
ordained that we should walk in them.” In His divine arrangement, through His
unmerited favor, the Lord has ordained that good works shall be rewarded. We
are accepted through Christ’s merit alone; and the acts of mercy, the deeds of
charity, which we perform, are the fruits of faith; and they become a blessing to
us; for men are to be rewarded according to their works. It is the fragrance of
the merit of Christ that makes our good works acceptable to God, and it is grace
that enables us to do the works for which He rewards us. Our works in and of
themselves have no merit.... We deserve no thanks from God. We have only done
what it was our duty to do, and our works could not have been performed in the
strength of our own sinful natures."

"Christ is able to save to the uttermost.... All that man can possibly do toward
his own salvation is to accept the invitation, “Whosoever will, let him take the
water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17. No sin can be committed by man for
which satisfaction has not been met on Calvary."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chap. 113---Feeling Not a Safe Guide

"The just shall live by his faith." Habakkuk 2:4.

"Many pass long years in darkness and doubt because they do not feel as they
desire. But feeling has nothing to do with faith. That faith which works by love
and purifies the soul is not a matter of impulse. It ventures out upon the promises
of God, firmly believing that what He has said, He is able also to perform. Our
souls may be trained to believe, taught to rely upon the Word of God. That Word
declares that “the just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17), not by feeling."

"Let us put away everything like distrust and want of faith in Jesus. Let us
commence a life of simple, childlike trust, not relying upon feeling, but upon
faith. Do not dishonor Jesus by doubting His precious promises. He wants us to
believe in Him with unwavering faith."

"There is a class who say, “I believe, I believe,” and lay claim to all the
promises which are given on condition of obedience; but they do not the works
of Christ. God is not honored by any such faith. It is spurious. Another class
are trying to keep all the commandments of God, but many of them do not come
up to their exalted privilege in claiming the promises that were given for them.
God’s promises are for those who keep His commandments, and do those things
that are pleasing in His sight."

"I find that I have to fight the good fight of faith every day. I have to exercise
all my faith, and not rely upon feeling; I have to act as though I knew the Lord
heard me, and would answer me and bless me. Faith is not a happy flight of
feeling; it is simply taking God at His word—believing that He will fulfill His
promises because He said He would."

"Hope in God, trust in Him, and rest in His promises, whether you feel happy
or not. A good emotion is no evidence that you are a child of God, neither are
disturbed, troubled, perplexing feelings an evidence that you are not a child of
God. Come to the Scriptures and intelligently take God at His word. Comply
with the conditions and believe He will accept you as His child. Be not faithless,
but believing."

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chap. 111---What is Faith?

Faith is believing in God and His promises Only.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen." Hebrews 11:1.

"Faith in Christ is not the work of nature, but the work of God on human
minds, wrought in the very soul by the Holy Spirit, who reveals Christ, as Christ
revealed the Father. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen. With its justifying, sanctifying power, it is above what men call
science. It is the science of eternal realities. Human science is often deceptive
and misleading, but this heavenly science never misleads. It is so simple that
a child can understand it, and yet the most learned men cannot explain it. It is
inexplainable and immeasurable, beyond all human expression."

"The acceptance of Christ’s atonement is the groundwork of true faith....
Those who will look long enough into the divine mirror to see and despise their
sins, their unlikeness to the meek and lowly Jesus, will have strength to overcome.
All who truly believe will confess and forsake their sins. They will cooperate
with Christ in the work of bringing their hereditary and cultivated tendencies to
wrong under the control of the divine will, so that sin shall not have dominion
over them. Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, they will be
changed into His likeness. They will grow up into the full stature of men and
women in Christ Jesus.... Those who truly believe, who confess and forsake their
sins, will grow more and more like Christ, until of them it can in heaven be said,
“Ye are complete in him.” Colossians 2:10.

“Ask, and it shall be given you” (Matthew 7:7) is the promise. Our part is to
rest on the Word with unwavering faith, believing that God will do according to
His promise. Let faith cut its way through the shadow of the enemy. When
a questioning doubt arises, go to Christ and let the soul be encouraged by
communion with Him. The redemption He has purchased for us is complete. The
offering He made was plenteous and without stint. Heaven has a never-failing
supply of help for all who are needy."

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chap. 110---Time for Meditation

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate
day and night." Psalms 1:2
"Your last thought at night, your first thought in the morning, should be of Him
in whom is centered your hope of eternal life."

"Many seem to begrudge moments spent in meditation, and the searching of
the Scriptures, and prayer, as though the time thus occupied was lost. I wish
you could all view these things in the light God would have you; for you would
then make the kingdom of heaven of the first importance.... As exercise increases
the appetite, and gives strength and healthy vigor to the body, so will devotional
exercises bring an increase of grace and spiritual vigor."

"The affections should center upon God. Contemplate His greatness, His
mercy and excellences. Let His goodness and love and perfection of character
captivate your heart."

"Converse upon His divine charms, and the heavenly
mansions He is preparing for the faithful. He whose conversation is in heaven,
is the most profitable Christian to all around him. His words are useful and
refreshing. They have a transforming power upon those who hear them."

"There is constant need of private communion with God. We must take in the
spirit of Christ if we would impart it to others. We cannot meet satanic and human
agencies combined unless we spend much time in intercourse with the Source of
all strength. There are times when we should get away from the sounds of earthly
toil and human voices, and in retired places listen to the voice of Jesus. Thus we
may taste of His love and imbibe His spirit. Thus we shall learn to crucify self."

"This course of action may seem impossible to the human mind. “I have not time,”
you may say. But when you consider the matter as it really is, you lose no time;
for when you secure the power and grace that come alone from God, you do not
accomplish the work. It is Jesus who is the real worker. “Without me,” says
Christ, “ye can do nothing.” John 15:5.... Reflection and earnest prayer will
inspire to holy endeavor."

Friday, April 19, 2013

Chap. 109---The Brightest Subject of Our Thoughts

"My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord." Psalm

"Why not keep your minds fixed on the unsearchable riches of Christ, that you
may present to others the gems of truth? In the Word of God there are rich mines
of truth that we may spend our whole lifetime in exploring, and yet we shall find
that we have only begun to view their precious stores. Sink the shaft deep, and
bring up the hidden treasures. But it is impossible to do this while we indulge an
idle, restless spirit, seeking constantly for something that will merely gratify the
senses, something to amuse, and cause a foolish laugh.... Minds that are occupied
with frivolous reading, with exciting stories, or with seeking after amusement, do
not dwell upon Christ, and cannot rejoice in the fullness of His love. The mind
that finds pleasure in foolish thoughts and trifling conversation, is as destitute of
the joy of Christ as were the hills of Gilboa of dew or rain."

"Does not your own experience testify to this? How much peace of mind do
you have at the close of a day spent in frivolity, in light and trifling conversation?
Can you retire to rest at night, saying, “It is well, it is well with my soul”? ..."

"How often when you come into the house of God, into the solemn assembly,
your thoughts are turned to that foolish remark which someone has made, to that
idle story, or that comical thing which you read or saw. And the thought will
come at just such a time as to eclipse a bright ray of the glory of Christ, and you
lose the benefit of the heaven-sent light which you ought to receive...."

"We need to be constantly filling the mind with Christ, and emptying it of
selfishness and sin.... Just as surely as you empty your mind of vanity and
frivolity, the vacuum will be supplied with that which God is waiting to give
you—His Holy Spirit. Then out of the good treasure of the heart you will bring
forth good things, rich gems of thought, and others will catch the words.... Your
thoughts and affections will dwell upon Christ, and you will reflect upon others
that which has shone upon you from the Sun of Righteousness."

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chap. 108---Proper Level of the Human Mind

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up".
James 4:10.

"What gives the proper level to the human mind? It is the cross of Calvary.
By looking unto Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith, all the
desire for self-glorification is laid in the dust. There comes, as we see aright,
a spirit of self-abasement that promotes lowliness and humbleness of mind. As
we contemplate the cross, we are enabled to see the wonderful provision it has
brought to every believer. God in Christ ... if seen aright, will level human
exaltation and pride. There will be no self-exaltation, but there will be true

"The light reflected from the cross of Calvary will humble every proud
thought. Those who seek God with all the heart, and accept the great salvation
offered them, will open the door of the heart to Jesus. They will cease to ascribe
glory to themselves. They will not pride themselves on their acquirements, or
take credit to themselves for their capabilities, but will regard all their talents as
God’s gifts, to be used to His glory. Every intellectual ability they will regard as
precious only as it can be used in the service of Christ."

"Christ’s humiliation in clothing His divinity with humanity is worthy of our
consideration. Had this subject been studied as carefully as it should have been,
there would be far less of “I” heard and far more of Christ. It is self-esteem
that stands between the human agent and his God and impedes the vital current
that flows from Christ to enrich every human being. When we follow Jesus in
the path of self-denial and the cross, we shall find that we do not have to strive
for humility. As we walk in Christ’s footsteps, we shall learn His meekness and
lowliness of heart. Very few thoughts should be devoted to self; for we can never
make ourselves great. It is Christ’s gentleness that makes us great."

"God’s faithful, humble, believing people will cut the idolatry of self out of
their hearts, and Christ will become all and in all."

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chap. 107---How to Discipline the Mind

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be
acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14.

"The thoughts must be pure, the meditations of the heart must be clean, if the
words of the mouth are to be words acceptable to Heaven, and helpful to your

"The natural, selfish mind, if left to follow out its own evil desires, will act
without high motives, without reference to the glory of God or the benefit of
mankind. The thoughts will be evil, and only evil, continually.... The Spirit
of God produces a new life in the soul, bringing the thoughts and desires into
obedience to the will of Christ...."

"The youth should begin early to cultivate correct habits of thought. We should
discipline the mind to think in a healthful channel, and not permit it to dwell upon
things that are evil.... As God works upon the heart by His Holy Spirit, man must
cooperate with Him...."

"We should meditate upon the Scriptures, thinking soberly and candidly upon
the things that pertain to our eternal salvation. The infinite mercy and love
of Jesus, the sacrifice made in our behalf, call for most serious and solemn

"We should dwell upon the character of our dear Redeemer and
Intercessor. We should seek to comprehend the meaning of the plan of salvation.
We should meditate upon the mission of Him who came to save His people from
their sins. By constantly contemplating heavenly themes, our faith and love will
grow stronger. Our prayers will be more and more acceptable to God, because
they will be more and more mixed with faith and love. They will be more
intelligent and fervent. There will be more constant confidence in Jesus, and
you will have a daily, living experience in the willingness and power of Christ to
save unto the uttermost all that come unto God by Him...."

"There will be a hungering and thirsting of soul to be made like Him whom
we adore. The more our thoughts are upon Christ, the more we shall speak of
Him to others, and represent Him to the world."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chap. 106---Training the Thoughts

"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end
for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 1:13.

"Many need to make a decided change in the tenor of their thoughts and
actions, if they would please Jesus."

"The thoughts must be trained. Gird up the loins of the mind that it shall
work in the right direction, and after the order of well-formed plans; then every
step is one in advance, and no effort or time is lost in following vague ideas and
random plans. We must consider the aim and object of life, and ever keep worthy
purposes in view. Every day the thoughts should be trained and kept to the point
as the compass to the pole. Every one should have his aims and purposes, and
then make every thought and action of that character to accomplish that which he
purposes. The thoughts must be controlled. There must be a fixedness of purpose
to carry out that which you shall undertake...."

"No one but yourself can control your thoughts. In the struggle to reach the
highest standard, success or failure will depend much upon the character, and the
manner in which the thoughts are disciplined. If the thoughts are well girded, as
God directs they shall be each day, they will be upon those subjects that will help
us to greater devotion. If the thoughts are right, then as a result the words will be
right; the actions will be of that character to bring gladness and comfort and rest
to souls...."

"Those who move without thoughtful consideration move unwisely. They
make fitful efforts, strike out here and there, catch at this and that, but it amounts
to nothing. They resemble the vine; its tendrils untrained and left to struggle out
in every direction will fasten upon any rubbish within their reach; but before the
vine can be of any use these tendrils must be broken off from the things they
have grasped, and trained to entwine about those things which will make them
graceful and well formed."

Temptation Sometimes Disguised as Pleasure, January 15

Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1. In order to accomplish his work unperceived, Satan chose to ...